Away to have 1st taxotere

Hi All

Just wanted to say hi and bye. Away to leave for hospital in 1/2 hour to get my first taxotere :frowning:

Really nervous about it now. Think I have been so busy that have managed to live my life in a safe wee bubble - now its away to be burst and reality hit home!! Was only dx with secs 3 weeks ago.

Thank you all for your previous support. Fingers crossed it wont be too bad.


Good luck!!!


Good luck Sparkler xxx

Hope you won’t feel too bad


Good luck Sparkler. It isn’t much fun but it is do-able as they say. Hope it goes all right for you.

Much love


Good Luck Sparkler. Hope it goes OK and do come back and ask if you encounter any problems at all.


Good Luck Sparkler, I have just done my second Taxotere. Hope you manage OK, I have to say I think it’s a bit of a toughy but for some reason the second was a lot easier than the first.


Hi All

Well have woken up today feeling like any other day - but still on high does steroids so I suspect this might be masking things - or maybe I am gonna be luckky??? BUT I DOUBT IT!!. I am tired cos I didnt sleep that well but thats nothing new.

Thanks for all your wishes

Hi Sparkler

I think it may be masking it- but really it didn’t kick in for me until about day 4 or 5…the best advice is really really to keep a certain level of painkillers in your blood at all times. I am pretty sure thats been written elsewhere but it is key - have you got some co codamal? i think thats a really effective general one - but GP etc will be able to help, dont be shy, I really found taxotere quite manageable as there was no debilitating nausea but it does give you bad bone aches,

take care

Hi Cathy

Thanks for the advice. Have not been taking any pain killers. If i start getting pains I will start straight away and take them regularly. Dont have co-codamol but do have some codeine from aux node clearance. Have gp in the new year so will make sure am stocked up with stuff. WAs hoping to go hill climbing at least once a week - albeit gently but m aybe being over ambitious!!

Thanks again

And don’t forget that if you are taking co codamol regularly you might need to have something in for constipation! Movicol is my medicine of choice. You dissolve a sachet in a glass of water and it usually does the trick within a few hours.


Hi Sparkler, I hope you are still doing ok on the Taxotere, can only agree with what the others have written re control of symtoms. I had bad pains, but I know many don’t so hoping you fall into the latter category.

Movicol is the best!!! I now know not to think that it ‘wont happen this time’ and start taking the Movicol the day before, to make sure all is well in that area. Personally I find the constipation the absolute worst side effect for me :frowning:

So good luck, and happy new year!!


Hi Deirdrie and Nikki

Thanks for advice. I find dulcolax effective for me with constipation.

Dont feel quite so bright as I did yesterday - but weaning dose of steroids so was expecting that. No aches and pains yet but early days. Had to resort to extra anti nausea meds last night and this morning as felt pretty yeuch

Hugs to all

Hi Sparkler,
I didn’t feel too bad on the Tax and I hope you don’t suffer too much either!
Love and hugs,
Alli x