Axillary clearance


I feel like im setting myself up for a fall with this one but… i recently had a lumpectomy with snb. One of the nodes cames back positive…

Now ive been recommended a full clearance but im gonna be totally honest and say i’m loosing it at the thought they might find another 30. 

Not really sure what im looking for, reassurance or a terrible shock story to send me into orbit

Im er+ pr+ grade 2 mass size 14mm, not had any chemo before surgery, scans showed no involvement

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Hi Gigifaz

I was in the same position as you except my tumour was 3.2cm and grade 3. I had one positive sentinel node and so then had auxillary clearance where they took another 30 nodes but all were clear. I just wanted to reassure you that this is often the case. 

Sending best wishes 


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Hi bookie

Thanks for replying i appreciate it greatly

Out of interest do you remember how long you waited between results and op?

Completely my own doing but ive delayed everything by 2 weeks at least and im now worried how long its been. The surgeons did say i could afford 1 or 2 weeks as the main mass was gone but obviously im feeling rather anxious

Hi Gigifaz,

I had my axillary clearance 4 weeks after my lumpectomy and 2 weeks after my pathology results. However it was only then because a cancellation came up I was originally scheduled to have it 6 weeks after the original op, 4 weeks after pathology results. The breast surgeon also reassured me that 6 weeks would be fine between ops even though I had a grade 3 tumour.

Best wishes,


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Thanks @Bookie really appreciate it


I had a mastectomy and lymph node clearance in March and 7 out of 21 nodes were positive.

It’s different for everyone. But if they do a clearance they’ll get all of them. I was stage 3 grade 3 and had chemo before surgery and radiotherapy after.

Take care