I was in the same position as you except my tumour was 3.2cm and grade 3. I had one positive sentinel node and so then had auxillary clearance where they took another 30 nodes but all were clear. I just wanted to reassure you that this is often the case.
Out of interest do you remember how long you waited between results and op?
Completely my own doing but ive delayed everything by 2 weeks at least and im now worried how long its been. The surgeons did say i could afford 1 or 2 weeks as the main mass was gone but obviously im feeling rather anxious
I had my axillary clearance 4 weeks after my lumpectomy and 2 weeks after my pathology results. However it was only then because a cancellation came up I was originally scheduled to have it 6 weeks after the original op, 4 weeks after pathology results. The breast surgeon also reassured me that 6 weeks would be fine between ops even though I had a grade 3 tumour.
I had a mastectomy and lymph node clearance in March and 7 out of 21 nodes were positive.
It’s different for everyone. But if they do a clearance they’ll get all of them. I was stage 3 grade 3 and had chemo before surgery and radiotherapy after.