
Where are you? I hope you are OK?

Cecelia. x

I was wondering the same !

Boo - where are you ???



Come back Boo, we need you!!!

Hoping all is well and maybe you’re just having a computer faff or something,


Where the devil are you???

Missing your good advice.


Ooooh, you missed me…sorry I was busy trying to get my life back after Chemo. I just needed a break from here, time to readjust my thoughts…back now. See, smiling as ever!

Let me see, should fill you in. I had my check up with the Doc. and he was very pleased. Start taking tamoxifen next week…eek…hey ho, can’t be any worse than Chemo can it!

My fuzz has started to fuzz back so looks like I shall have a covering of fluffy stuff on my head in time for Christmas.

I have my daughters 2nd nirthday in a couple of weeks so have LOTS to do for that.

Started my post chemo healthy eating plan. Been on it for two weeks and lost 2kg already so pretty pleased with that. I am walking every day to try and get my stamina back. Can’t go very far at the moment but the aim is to do the long walk, 4km, by Christmas so fingers crossed!

All my Christmas shopping is done, just have to wrap them and send them abroad! And then there are the 100 or so Christmas cards to write…phew!

So you see, been a bit busy. LOVING living even though I am still tired most of the time. The best thing was getting that PICC line removed.


How are all of you?

Hi Boo

Nice to see you back and glad to ‘see’ you smiling.

Sounds like you have a busy old time coming up with daughters birthday and xmas. I wrapped all my chrissie pressies yesterday and wrote my cards. I will be having surgery on 10th Dec (dont know extent yet as meeting with surgeon on Friday) - but getting organised anyway. Hopefully will be able to enjoy christmas - might be washing down pain killers with sparkling wine but sure that will be fun!!

Have a lovely festive time - we all deserve it
Take care