hi all, my treatment finished on xmas eve 08 dx sept 07 7/21 nodes
3 x fec 3 x tax 25 rads 18 herceptin, i had swelling in my neck feb
09 so had ct neck/chest neck was clear 1 2mm nodule found on right lung (cancer left side) ct chest/abdo/pelvis again in may nodule still there but not grown so scan again 6mths,i also started getting low back ache with a warm pulling sensation and also my tailbone feels very sore after sitting and seems to have got worse these last few weeks, when i went to clinic in may i mentioned this and was told that the ct scan showed up the bones and apart from the nodule everything was clear, feeling cr*p and starting to worry, should i ask for a bone scan? to be sure ive made app for gp but am now thinking is it better to see onc, does a bone scan show up more than a ct,i would be grateful for any advice… MIZZY XX
Hi mizzy
Whilst you wait for the other users to reply with their experiences and advice you may find it helps to give the BCC helpline a call to talk through your questions. The trained staff on the helpline will be able to offer you support and information and this might be useful when you have your next appointment. The number to call is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 2pm Saturday.
I hope this helpful
Kind regards
Sam (BCC Facilitator)
Hi mizzy
I am so sorry to hear that you too have had similar problems to myself. I finished all treatment in Nov 08. dx May 07 9/16 nodes
3 x ec 3 x tax+gemcitabine, 15 rads and 21 Herceptin, i started with neck pain jan 09 and after 3 months of GPjust telling me to take painkillers, i rang the breast clinic myself and asked if i could see someone. I was sent for an MRI which revealed that the cancer had returned in my bones. because the MRI was done just of my neck i was then sent back for another full body MRI along with a Full body CT scan. Why both? The reason that my oncologist gave me is that an MRI is better for picking up things in the bone and CT are better at picking up things in the organs. The full body MRI also picked up a minute pitting area in my hip which the CT didn’t.
Ask them for an MRI, better to be safe rather than sorry
Good luck
Karen x
Hi Karen
God how scary for you and what a good job you didn’t listen to your GP for too long, what treatment are you on now?. Most of the GPs at my medical centre are useless one is brill but its a nightmare trying to get an appointment with her. Thanks for giving me a push in the right direction i just seem to have so many aches and pains since finishing treatment i feel like im 82 not 52. Did you ask for the MRI or did they send you.
Good Luck and thanks for the advice. Angie XXX
Hi Mizzy
How are you getting on, have the aches and pains settled at all.
The hospital refered me for the MRI so didn’t even have to think about asking for one. Have you asked them about having one and if so what was the outcome.
Hopeing your keeping OK and thinking of you
Karen x
Hi Karen
I went to see GP (not my usual one who is very good)but because i’d had a CT in May she did’nt think there was anything to worry about, she said she would write to my onc, she told me that it is natural to think that every little ache and pain is the cancer returning which at that point i lost confidence in her and felt as if she was treating me like a moaning minny i also asked her about the free perscription card for cancer patients to which she replied that my treatment was finished and she did’nt think i was entitled !! I decided to see my onc last week and had blood tests straight away and also had a bone scan yesterday, she thinks i might have arthritis as im still having joint pain as well, she also told me i did the right thing going to see her. I also got my free perscription card which runs untill 2014 after filling a form out at the pharmacy dept in the surgery, hope to get my results soon.
I hope you do well with your treatment and agree with you this site is a god send…
Love To All Mizzy xx
Your GP sounds to be a waste of space like mine. I had to by pass my GP after him just telling me to take paikillers. I am so glad that your oncologist is on the case and that you got your prescription card sorted out. I don’t know what your GP as talking about, as it is for anyone who has or had cancer and still having treatment, even if its just the hormone treatment. When do you get your scan results? Please let me know how you get on
Thinking of you
Karen x
I am so glad that I am not alone with this back pain. I finished Herceptin last year following a Mx with a tramflap reconstruction and reduction of the otherbreast. I had 6 treatments of chemo 3 x ec and 3 of Taxol which was then completed with a year of Herceptin. Since October of last year I have suffered from back pain. I have moments when I cannot move because my lower body appears not to be able to support my uper body. Moving out of a chair on occasions I will use my hands on my legs to rase myself up like climbing a ladder. I had Facet Block injections this October which have not worked and so have now been signed off work until I see the consultant again on the 3rd of December. I have not been on this site before but I was looking to see if it could be all of the treatment I have had that is causing the problems.
Ive just done 3 x epi,3 x tax and 4 cmf (shoud of been six cmf but they stopped it).
I have had two herceptin and to be honest since ive had herceptin my lower back is exactly how you describe, if i sit down for too long i have to be heaved up and its like its ceased!
I just wanted to reassure you all that ive had a clear bone scan, also bear in mind those dreaded period pains in the lower back, it maybe hormonal too,
Keep positive and strong ladies
Hi Ladies,
Wierdly enough I posted on this same subject on a different thread just the other day. Since last week every joint in my body has been aching and stiff. It takes me 5 mins to climb out of a chair and getting out of bed in the morning is a nightmare. BCN puts it down to Taxotere even though I had the last dose in August. She reckons it often takes 6mnths to a year for some side effects to go even though there is none of the drug left in your system. Regular Ibuprofen helps me a bit and so does keeping warm. Unfortunately keeping warm increases the hot flushes. Can’t win really!!
PS> It seemed to be the drop in temperature that prompted mine to start up again but that’s just a guess.
Jan xx
Hi JanB,
just read this thread. I have multiple joint problems too and my onc and bcn said this is due to the taxotere. I am currently on an anti-inflammatory hoping it settles things. Like you I finished last august and thought that the on-going problems would settle down on their own, I had so many side effects!! It was only when I saw the onc team in november that I started medication.I’m still having problems with them, but also have repeated viral infections and fed up with them, so don’t know if this is why I’m not pain free.
I had such extreme joint pains with Taxotere that I was in bed most of the time. It also made me breathless. I finished it in June 2007 and I still have knee problems. When I was on it I was convinced someone was trying to saw through the bones in my legs as it was so painful. I was on Tramadol the whole time and the combination of the two made me hallucinate so I had to cut the painkillers down to the minimum.