Back again 2 years later

I was dx in Jan 2011 with triple neg small lump IDC Grade 3 had WLE Chemo and rads Just been dx in other boob! Have to go back later this week for scan of lymph nodes as have lymphedema in arm and they dont want to take nodes in this rm if nothing suspicious. Due to have another WLE June 5th
Feels a bit unreal at the moment think I had convinced myself it was nothing to worry about as GP sent me away for 6 weeks when I went with lump! Went back as I could still feel it was re referred but not as urgent! Although was seen within 2 weeks.
Not sure how I feel at the moment but if have to will do it all again

Jill x

I think I know how you feel Jill although my dx’s were quite different I have had to live with a few recurences over the years and I found it a bit unreal too. I had most of mine before the days of herceptin and when I finally got to the 2ndary stage someone thought to test the last tumour they removed and found it to be her2+++. Since then things stayed fairly stable and I have now lived with bc for about 23 years. I hope all goes well with your op on June 5 and the the treatment isn’t too bad.


Thanks Dawn for your reply I have followed your posts on here and I have nothing but admiration for you. It was just such a shock after virtually being told by GP I was imagining things and then consultant even thought it would be nothing sinister! Like first time think things get easier when you have more of a plan in place the waiting around again is the worst!!
Thankyou again for your kind words

Jill xx


i like you have had BC in each side although I did get 14 years between mine and I was also TN. It might be worth getting tested for BRCA genes as you have had it twice.

You got through it the first time and you know you will again it is never easy and usually the timing is rubbish also. Once you know a little more you will feel a lot better.

Hugs Wendy x x

Thanks Wendy
I had seen your posts about your recurrence? Is it called that or new primary not sure! Still in shock I think but yes it will be better when plan is in place. Have lots of questions for them this time was going to mention BRCA testing will see what they say
Thankyou again
Jill x

Jill mine was a new primary as at other side. I am BRCA positive hence getting it again. Wish I had known years ago but when I was tested in 1999 it was negative.
hope all goes well for you and you will soon be off this roller coaster . I am just recovering from bilateral Mx and don’t regret my decision one bit

Wendy x x

Hi Jill,
Sorry to hear this , i can imagine how you are feeling. Cancer sucks! I will keep my fingers crossed for clear lymph nodes for you. x

Thanks powerjen
I have just been to GP and got signed off work till I know more as really not in the right frame of mind for work! Still waiting appt for US on nodes have left message for BCN to see if she can chase up as supposed to have it done before I see BS on Tues and Monday is bank holiday!!!

Jill xxx