Back again......


I lasted posted 4 years ago after a visit to the gp resulted in him telling me it was a strong chance I had a breast cancer due to a lump in my left breast. Long story short, it ended up being a rare benign condition but did result in me having 2 years of treatment and 2 surgeries, the last being in October 2020. 

Fast forward to last weekend I felt something didn’t feel right so visited the gp on Monday. Saw a lovely lady who examined me and said everything feels ok but she checked my right breast as well and found a pea sized lump in that one. I would never have found it, and could only feel it when she was pressing on it, it doesn’t hurt or move and I have again been referred on a 2 week referral, still waiting to hear when it will be. 

I am not massively worrying as I know the process I will go through, it feels very different to what I had previously, as mentally I don’t think I could go through that again. My question is could something like the GP found be a fibroadenoma? As i said I would never have found it, it was quite deep in the breast.

Hi Becs

I like how phlegmatic you seem to be. Here we go again…

None of us can diagnose for you and you can hold onto the hope that it’s a fibroadenoma, though I think they tend to be quite gristly and un-pealike. It might also be a benign cyst. But you’ll only find out once a consultant has had a feel of it, maybe have an ultrasound or mammogram, maybe a biopsy.

It’s a horribly long wait, I know, Waiting is one of the most annoying things about this process but 2 weeks isn’t that long. It’s plenty of time to focus on building up your resilience through meditation, mindfulness, diaphragmatic breathing, whatever you feel comfortable with. Because you have to be prepared for bad news. Prepared doesn’t mean that’s what you’ll hear, just that you can handle it if it is breast cancer. As for not being able to go through all that again, you’d be surprised at what you can do when you have to - which is why I suggest focusing on your mental wellbeing. There are NHS-endorsed apps like Calm and Headspace with lots of resources. I still use Youtube videos by Progressive Hypnosis; they’ve seen me through everything. 

I wish you all the best for a good outcome xx