Back again

Hi everyone,

I posted back in June when I had a large lump in right breast. Luckily this turned out to be a 4cm+ cyst. The hospital were fantastic and aspirated it.

Then in October I felt another lump. I left it until December to see if it changed and today I attended the Breast clinic again. Last time it was an NHS hospital and today was private hospital booked through NHS. Seriously, the treatment at the NHS hospital was so much better. I’ve got another cyst which the doctor “aspirated” without the aid of an ultrasound (had ultrasound to confirm it was another cyst). The cyst which was 14mm this morning is now double in size and hurts where it didn’t before. It’s so painful now. Will be phoning the GP on Monday but wondered if this has happened to anyone else?

Hi Dondon1973,

Thank you for posting in our Forum.

I’m sorry you haven’t yet received a reply. Hopefully you will receive a response soon from one of our Forum members.

In the meantime, if you’d like to receive a response from our breast care nurses for any questions or concerns you may have, you can visit the Ask Our Nurses board. You can also call our free Helpline number 0808 800 6000, which reopens for 2019 from 9am on January 2. 

Kindest regards,
