I’m sore!!!
I’m a little disappointed in the boobs so far, as the permanent squishy ones seems to have just filled out into the space the hard tissue expanders created… Apparently it will be around 3 months until my shape has formed… I want it now dammit!!
How have other ladies coped with this?
I am 6 weeks post op an I am just starting to see a more natural shape forming. I was worried everything was going to stay under my arm. I have managed to wear a bra for the first time this week (though cant manage all day) and this has helped to make a more normal shape.
Hope the soreness goes very soon.
J x
Hiya Jacqc
Thank you for your comment. I was really worried that the implants would just stay all big and flat… basically just filling the cavity that the tissue expanders made!
I’ve tried explaining to my husband that the tightness and soreness I feel constantly on my chest, is like when you’ve eaten too much and it hurts so you undo a button on your trousers… only I haven’t got any buttons on my chest.
I just want to feel normal again.
When you first came out of hospital, did you have a lot of pain or was it just uncomfortable?
Hi Poannie
I wouldn’t say it was a lot of pain but certainly more than discomfort. I was taking the maximum dose of paracetamol and diclofenac for a couple of weeks, then started to wean off them, only to find I had toothache, which I had ignored up til then. My dentist believes my tooth was broken during my surgery, so I have had to have it re-built. I am abit nervous about going back in to have 2nd mast done in case it happens again. Its not cheap at the dentist!
Over the past week or so I have seen a drastic improvement in the shape of my new boob, but I know what you mean about the tightness. I would compare it to the first day milk comes in, 3 days after having a baby.
Did you keep your nipple or are you having reconstruction?
Jackie x
Unfortunately I haven’t had kids so I don’t know what it feels like to have milk coming in!!
I had a bilateral mastectomy, with all tissue and both nipples removed, so hopefully in a few months once everything has settled, I can have my dog ears removed and my nipples produced!!
If I had just the one boob done, so I could compare it to my natural one, that would be cool - it’s just a little disheartening looking down at these two and not seeing the end result…
It gives me confidence though that you are only a short time down the line and you are seeing a more natural shape forming…
I am so glad I found your posts, I have been searching for answers. I had a double masectomy with immed. recon (silicone implants). I am almost 3 weeks post op and they are not looking very pretty. Mine have dropped and are under my armpits too and just look a bit crazy. My doc says they look great and not to worry and that she really won’t know how they will look for awhile but we can always do a same day surgery to fix them. I just want to know if without another surgery will they have a normal(fake:) shape? If I hear anything I will let you knowtoo. Please stay in touch so we can compare.
jbaby - hi, I replied to your email under About Reconstruction! I think it covers your query here. Best wishes petitepart