Back from my appointment and feeling a bit confused

Morning Jules!

Been keeping up with you over this past week and looking forward to the post ‘lump out, not cancer, feeling great’!

Regarding your Mum. I don’t think it will matter if she has a mastectomy or a lumpectomy. The recons are SO good after mx. With lumpectomy you can be left with scarring and unequal breasts too… My husband has bought me a great book, very inspirational, ‘The Boudica Within’ ISBN978-1-85297-097-0 £14.95 - it’s about women with bc who have had recon. Fantastic pictures!

Td x

hey up jules,so after all this ur off out 2 enjoy ursen yeah nice1 cos it sounds like u really deserve it,have a great time at the wedding hun,let ursen go enjoy it. guess al b avin a great time at the hospital-hope the baby still ok eh! txt ya later luv karen x x x

p.s. thanx ur advice earlier x

Thank you ladies, you are so kind.

I had a lovely day a bit too much champagne lol I came in and read something on the forums about lumps and misread it and totally panicked, rang my sister (the bride) and she explained that I had misread it, so feel stupid now (but relieved)!!

The sun shone, the service was lovely, the bride looked gorgeous, my mum looked lovely, so did my daughter (hard to believe both are battling there demons at the moment) and my niece and nephew aged 6 and 2 looked good enough to eat! At times like this I wish there were places to put pictures of events on here.

Dippykate, thank you for giving me support you are such an amazing lady. I read your post tonight on G G thread, and was so upset to hear that things have taken a turn for the worst for you. I was telling my family today at the wedding what a brave lady you are. I have told all my friends about you and your courage, I prey that the chest problem is viral and will sort itself out and you can enjoy the weekend with your sister and children. I might not know you, but you are never far from my thoughts.

Jules xxx

Maria, If you come on tonight, I have left you a long message further up on this thread! xxx

I hope everything is going well for you. Jules1964 I know it will all workout. Pink dress and cream shoes sounds sexy have fun.

Thank you Jonnoj, we had a lovely day, feeling a bit positive about things now.

How did your appointment go yesterday, I kept checking to find out how it went.
