Back from my appointment and feeling a bit confused

Well just been for my appointment to get my results. Had to wait nearly an hour and a half and got moved from one place to another and then outside a special room. You can imagine the tears started to flow because I assumed it was the “bad news room”. My biopsy results have come back not cancer, but they have come back with abnormal cells, and the lump needs to be removed as a priority and looked at in sections. I have been told that it is not cancer, and I guess they reason they want it out quickly is to stop it turning into cancer. I am a bit confused. At least the biopsy shows no cancer so I must remain positive.

Please if you have had a result like this and it turned out to be cancer, please don’t tell me as I will totally break down as what with my mum’s cancer and my daughter’s depression I am really fragile.

Thanks ladies for your continued support.


HI Jules

I don’t know but maybe look at it like you would an abnormal smear, with precancerous cells maybe thats what it is like. I can understand your confusion because at the time you are not really listening to what is being said the only thing you hear really is it isn’t cancer or it is. Look at it this way, you have a lump and you dont want it so get it out, Its probably the norm for them to anylize it. But if they have told you its not cancer be pleased its probably just the stress of the last few weeks and that you feel that you still don’t have a definitive answer give yourself a bit of time to take it all in and maybe ring the BC nurse in the next couple of days so she can clarify things for you.

Best wishes

Deb x

What good news, Jules - It’s not cancer. It’s the sort of result most of us here would wish for.

Yes I know RMW26, I guess I wonder why the want to get it out and examine it further in sections which is what he said, and that I am a priority. After the fiasco taking the biopsy in the first place with the lady needle sticking herself and having a panick attack, and also my GP telling me there was no lump in the first place and to stop being paranoid because my mum has bc, maybe my faith in the medical profession is a bit tainted at the moment.

I know its what everyone wants to hear, and I am not moaning sorry if it seems that way, I am just confused and well stressed out to be honest, combination of alot of things.

Sorry if I appear to be moaning to all you brave ladies with cancer.


nice 1 jules x x u got the result that means everythin, u neva know it may just b calcium but actually its better off out than it is in but that depends on ur age! aww bless am so pleased 4 u x x x karen

erm,wen they need 2do the nxt 1 which means cuttin it into sections its usually 4 a deeper luk 2 check if it is calcium, the calcium sumtimes can b bad n thats why it needs 2 b removed as it can cause a lot ov pain in the breast later on. this usually is the best 2 way 2 make sure everything ok x x

Hi Jules

My speciallist told me they no longer leave breast lumps no matter what they contain. They are always removed and tested.

Hope this helps



Great news.

I think if I was you I would try and not worry about the possible if’s and but’s, rather concentrate on the good news that it’s not cancer - like RMW26 says ‘it’s what most of us here would wish for’!

Lynn x

Yes your right, I am sorry to seem like I am moaning, its just cos he said the cells were abnormal and I was a priority to have it removed, my mind was going into over drive. Wondering it there were things he was not telling me.

Thanks again xxxx

At this stage I would fix on the fact that the lump is not cancer… that is really good news and I am pleased for you. I know the ‘abnormal’ point is worrying you but there are a number of things that can come under the abnormal banner and most of them are nothing to worry about. Did they give you a date for removing the lump? I think it’s probably better out than in.

Hi there Lilac

They said it would be within the next month or so. I am feeling ok now, just got myself a bit stressed out. x

Hi Jules

You seem to have the same results as me last year. When they removed my lump it contained precancerous cells but they got very good margins and i didnt need any more treatment. Give yourself a couple of weeks to calm down and like me you feel like one of the lucky ones. I was very confused after my WLE but decided that whatever was there is now gone and I had permission to get on with the rest of my life.

Take Care
Yvonne xx

hi jules, glad u feelin a little better now n get a gud nites sleep 2nite u’ll feel much better 2morrow x x

I know this probably sounds really daft, but what if the abnormal cells turn cancerous before they take the lump out. They said it will be done quite quickly, am I worrying about nothing.

Why am I such a worry guts.


Hi Jules

I think even if they did they wouldnt have time to go anywhere. :o)

Yvonne xx

Thanks Evie, I guess with my mum having bc and coming on this site alot I am almost breast cancer phobic, I have to try and put this in perspective I know.


hi jules, thats great news.someone above mentioned about calcuim in lump. that happened to my big sis a few years ago and it got removed. no cancer present. im sure u will be the same. i was at shrink today and she kind of described my whole being as abnormal. i wonder if they will cut me into 4 next time i go. ha ha. hows the family doing.
take care

Aww Maria, you really are going through the mill at the moment, I would love to be able to give you a great big hug because you are such a kind caring person. I am really fond of you you know!

The family are not bad. Had to get my daughter an urgent appointment with her phsychiatrist on Monday because we were very worried about her over the weekend, she was talking about life not worth living etc and I was so worried. I phoned up the hospital explained and within ten mins they were back with an appointment for her for later that day. She saw a different doctor who was horrified that she had been given seroxat with all the bad press etc. We were all concerned in the family, because until she started that drug although she has been very depressed she has never talked about not wanting to go on. He has changed her drugs to Prozac and she goes back in three weeks time.

Mum goes back to the Marsden next week to see how/if her tumour has shrunk anymore and to decide a date for her surgery. I am preying it has shrunk enough to just do the lumpectomy but if not it will be the full masectomy, mum as usual is being so brave.

God what a family we are eh lol If we were dogs we would have been put down ha ha

It’s the wedding tomorrow of my sister, and I am going, I know I wasn’t going to go because of work comittment due to temping but with having to have today off for the hospital I decided it would be easier just to have the week off, as most companies want temps for at least a week and it would have caused problems.

I have bought a beautiful pink dress with netting to wear and cream shoes, bag etc and am really looking forward to it.

I hope you start to feel better now you are being seen again. I always look out for your messages when I come online.

How are your brood?

Much love and hugs

Jules xxxxxx

Morning Jules

Sorry I didn’t get logged on yesterday, my computer’s playing up and they have to come out to it today - have borrowed a lap top so I could check out your news!

Sorry to hear you’re still having a time of it, but as all the lovely ladies on here keep saying, focus on the fact it isn’t cancer, that they’re removing it so it won’t keep worrying away at you, that it will be thoroughly tested to make sure, and that the only ‘good lump is the one in a jar’ as I’ve frequently read on here!! Remember the 9 out of 10 odds and as Lilac once said to me ‘aim for number 6’ !

Enjoy the wedding and focus your mind on the positives as there are many! All the best to you and your family - you’re in my thoughts


jules - sorry you’ve had all this worry with yourself and your family. Hope you enjoy the wedding - your outfit sounds lovely.
As far as I’m aware, it is common practice to remove all lumps and analyse them thoroughly so you are no different to other women or others with lumps and bumps in different places.
I know this abnormal bit sounds worrying but could as someone says be calcium which can cause problems if left.
Enjoy your day and try to make enjoyable plans between now and the next few weeks so that you have something to concentrate on and be distracted.
Hope you get the appt through quickly and the results as that is always the horrible time when you are wating for results.
Just post when ever you feel low and we will all try to support you