Hi - was always on this forum at time of diagnosis in 2016. Had high grade DCIS - had lumpectomy then radiotherapy. Yearly mammograms for 5 years which ended in 2021. Now on national screening of 3 yearly mammograms. I am well.
3 years seems long time to wait after all that surveillance.
Was wondering if I should have a private mammogram halfway through the 3 years ( at least for this first time) but seems costly plus you have to have the whole Doctor consultation thing too which I don’t need.
Mammogram would be for reassurance ( my sister had breast cancer that recurred after 7 years- no genetic link , have been investigated
Has anyone gone down route of private mammogram ? X
Dear Aggielou,
Always a worrying time when things get changed, at the moment I’m lucky enough to still get yearly mammograms however I was certainly go down the road of going private as soon as my yearly ones come to an end. I know it’s costly, but you can’t put a price on your health so if you feel you can afford to do this, I would say go ahead for peace of mind.
Wishing you health and happiness going forward
hugs Tili
In Manchester the protocol has changed I am due next year for the five year mammogram and was due to return to three-year screening . However because of my family history ( my sister died of breast cancer ) am now getting yearly mammograms till I am 70 in five years time . It’s a bit of a postcode lottery but I would have paid for a private screening just couldn’t have faced a three- year wait