Backache after BC


I was diagnosed with a small (1.3Cm) lump in July last year, (IDC) no node involvement, treatment included a mastectomy but no chemo or rads.

I am currently suffering each night with a terrible backache, at the base of my spine, it prevents me from sleeping. After I get up, if I take pain killers the pain goes for the rest of the day.

I have a small concern that maybe the cancer has spread. I wouldnt have worried too much, but this happened to my mum in Law last year, she had cancer, was then told she was NED, got backache and then told the cancer had terminally spread.

Any comments would be appreciated.


Sorry to hear you are suffering with backache Deb, I can’t help I’m afraid but am bumping this up for you so maybe someone can.

I think the 2 week rule is a good guide to go by, so if it continues it wouldn’t hurt to get it checked out for reassurance.

Good luck

P x

Hi Deb,

I am agreeing with Peacock here. If this has been going on for some time do get yourself to your bc team, onc or bcn and tell them just what you have told us. I think for anyone with a history of breast cancer if you can refer back to your hospital team rather than the GP and get any relation to this wretched disease ruled out first.

Hope it is just one of those things that happens to backs but dont take chances



I was lucky to get an appointment with my Onc today. Now I am worried, he wants back and chest xrays as well as a MRI and blood tests. He wants to see me on Thursday this week as well and Monday next week with all the results so he is obviously going to push through the MRI for this week.

I would have been much happier if he had just told me to go away and stop being paranoid.



Can anyone tell me if they had done xrays that were clear but then a possitive result from a MRI.

My back is really hurting, as mentioned xrays and bloods clear, but I have the MRI on Monday.

I am less worried then I was but still have a small concern.

My brand of Tamoxafin has changed, do you think this could have anything to do with it?
