backpain Navelbine

Hi all, this might be a silly question, but have any of you had real bad pain (like you pulled a muscle) in your back or right side? I don’t think it’s my liver as the onc thinks the chemo is working, but we won’t know for sure until the next scan.
And have any of you heard of DCA? Apparently they are doing tests with that on cancer in Canada. Sadly not on bc patients, mainly brain tumours and prostate cancer. I got to this after reading an article in the newspaper about 2 belgian men who had been told there was no more treatment for them. They both had cancer of the intestines. They read about dichloroacetate on the internet and ordered some. Both of them had significant shrinkage in tumors. I know it’s not safe to take anything not supervised by a doctor, but if they are now doing research into it it might be something that could help some of us. Anyway, I wondered if you knew more about it in UK than we do here.

love Maroke

Hi Peggy

You can have liver pain and your chemo can be working at the same time, I had very bad liver pain between taxol 2 and 3 or was it three and four ? Everything a little fuzzy ha). That has basically gone away,also you just have back pain and aches and pains as part of the chemo - I have lots of aches and pains from taxol and am taking an arthritis type drug which is very effective, but I have to remember to take it on a full stomach. Also if you are having GSF injections to increase your blood counts that can give you back pain.

DCA - I wish it were true, I have heard some chat on this site about things like that, Jane RA might step in here. Basically if its available for expensive order on the internet - there is no way that I am going to touch it as its is there to take our money when we are the most vulnerable a person can be. My opinion…not everyone shares it.

I am glad your onc is happy with the navelbine…hope your children are fine.


Hi Cathy,

ty for advice on navelbine. The thing with the DCA though…it’s not expensive. They are having trouble to raise enough funds to do the research, as any investors would never get their money back. Again I won’ttouch it until serious tests have been done on it, but apparently a university clinic in Canada is doing just that. I have read all about all the miracle drugs on the internet and did them off as a lot of codswallop, but this one stands out as it is not expensive and they have done tests on mice infected with human cancer cells. Now tghey have advanced to research with human patients. Still, it could be years before something comes out of that. I just wondered if anything more was known about it in UK.

love Maroke

Have you read this:

Hi Phoebe,

thank you.

love Maroke