Bad day today

I think I had led myself to think I would be OK because I had done so well during treatment - I was absolutely euphoric when I finished each stage and so pleased with myself that I had got through.

When I went to the Consultant at the menopause clinic she told me that part of my problem was coming from the fact I had pretty much gone through the menopause overnight (I had no symptoms whatsoever, I had one period after surgery and that was it for me). Apparently when this happens all your hormones have just shut off without warning and it’s the absence of testosterone that causes the most problems. I also had no libido whatsoever and this caused me great distress as well. I think if I had not been referred to this woman I would have gone bananas as I was acting totally irrationally, having panic attacks and biting people’s heads off - I was becoming an absolute nightmare to be frank.

I am now on topical oestrogen twice a week with the approval of my oncologist (no hormone involvement in my BC so she said it was fine as it’s a tenth of what you get on HRT). I look better, feel better, sleep all night and have a libido again. My snotty GP said “oh, I’m surprised they are giving you anything hormonal given you’ve had BC” and I just sat there thinking “you’re not a specialist so what do you know”. I even had a GP in my practice tell me it wasn’t a good idea to make appointments with him because he knew absolutely nothing about BC! Talk about being in dire need of some retraining.

Hi greenpea

I thought you may find Breast Cancer Care’s peer support service helpful, our Peer Support telephone service aims to quickly put you in touch with one of our trained peer supporters, who has had a personal experience of breast cancer. Our peer supporters are from diverse backgrounds and ages and have experienced different types of breast cancer and treatments. They are ready to listen, offer skilled emotional support and share their experiences and understanding.

For more information about this and our other support services available to you, please telephone our helpline on 0808 800 6000 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm), or email:

Best wishes

Thanks Lucy
I’m hoping it’s not going to be long before I snap out of it!

Well, after having half a bottle of wine and a sleeping pill (left over from chemo), I must say I do feel a little better this morning, despite the headache!!
Cherub - I think I’ll take your advice and see if there are any menopause clinics where I live. I’m sure it is that more than the finishing of treatment.
I too have lost all interest in sex and it upsets me too. Also, when I do feel like it, I am so sore that it’s just not worth it! Poor hubby!
I have always been a size 10 and not had to worry about my weight. Now I can’t stand the fact that I’ve put on 2" on my waist and hips - and it’s lumpy! I know it’s not much and shouldn’t matter but I’m afraid it does. Also, I’m finding it difficult to motivate myself to do any exercise. It’s always an effort for no gain and that is not like me.
I was er+ so not sure what treatments I can have but it’s worth enquiring about as i feel my life at present is sh1t and it shouldn’t be.

God, here I go again. And I thought today was going to be a better day!!!


Hi Greenpea,
Hope today is a better day for you.
I finished rads (no chemo) on Feb 13th and walked away from the hospital in tears!!
Totaly illogical and I am a teacher!!!
Over the next few months I had a few ‘fragile’ days when I was just very weepy.
I did see the GP the week after I had finished, to sort out ‘sick notes’ and a date to return to work, but also to get the mastectomy scar checked after rads and to kind of put down a marker as to how I was.
Finishing treatment seem to leave me in ‘limbo’ and popping along to the GP was helpful for me as it seemed to transfer my care back to them, if that makes sense.
All the best
M x

You know what? I just re-read my last remark and thought what a self indulgent twit!
IM MAD NOW. This b****rd thing isn’t going to get me down. I am going to fight to get my life back and win!

Sorry girls for being such a moany old cow! I can promise you, I’m not always like this.

Today is the first day of the rest of MY life.

The rain has just stopped here, patches of blue sky are appearing - hope your day improves as well - in all ways.
M x

Glad you are feeling a bit better, Greenpea; I am, too. We WILL get there!!

Louise x