Bad news for me

Sorry to hear… this happened to me and the rest were clear but then at CT, they were worried about an upper one post surgery which also turned out to be clear too… But the wait Sucks (with a capital S)… feel for you but hopefully it will be OK for you too. I’m still obsessing about the size, grade, stage, even now but the I keep a thought in my head which one of the nurses on the helpline said to me. “They have more advanced and targeted treatments nowadays. Strategy is to only treat the necessary which means more tests, more waiting” I liked this because it reminded me I am getting the best treatment possible to ‘get rid’. I’d also recommend phoning the line as they talked me down from 2 irrational panic attacks and this could help you too… best of luck xx


Hi Bluesatsuma, the whole journey is so hard. You might feel it, but you are not helpless, you have an army of people who will work to get you through this, to get you well and back to your life. And don’t be scared of chemo it can work its magic on you. One day at a time. Sending you some love.

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