Bald patches.

Going back into work tomorrow and been having panic over the bald patch and what to do about it.
Don’t want to go wig yet as too much hair still and only one FEC hair killer before over to T. Hoping to keep as much as possible!
Been scouring the Internet and found sone very helpful youtube videos a young girl has done. Her hair loss is for different reasons but still so helpful.
Some show things to help patches like his one
Some have things to help it grow back, some extentions, which I know are a long way off but I will be doing that! All sorts on her channel and well worth a look.
I found them helpful. Hope they help someone else

Hi red_robin, 

I am sorry to hear you are going through this anxious time. I am sure some of our users will be along soon to offer some advice and share some support. 

We also hold Headstrongsessions where trained volunteers can offer you practical tips and suggestions on hair loss, details or which can be found below.

In the meantime please do call our helpline at 0808 800 6000 who till be able to talk to you about hair loss and your options. 

Best wishes, 


Digital Community Assistant 

Thanks Lizzy but actually I am ok. I am not after the tea and sympathy or even support. I posted this as I thought it may help other people.
Most of the cancer hair care things I have found to not actually be helpful for me in my situation and I have found many to be very negative with it. There is not a lot of information out there for people who are being successful with the cold cap in keeping enough hair to help work out what to do when they get some patches of baldness. I have 2 patches which thanks to a young girl with alapecha in the USA I have managed to actually be positive again and work out how to deal with it. Not everyone wants chemo hats or bandannas to cover patches. Not everyone looses all their hair.
So thank you for telling me about headstrong but it is not for me. I was hoping to help someone else who like me can’t find the information they need. To find this young girls videos took me a long time but I have successfully covered my patches so much so that no one at work can even tell there is a problem. I onow it doesn’t happen for everyone but I wish people would stop being so negative about chemo and hair loss.
It doesn’t happen to everyone and we need different support to those it does happen to and to those who decide to shave!

Red Robin - Thank you for this info, I too have cold capped through 3 EC and still have good amount of hair but have gone very thin on top. I’m looking for help to disguise this, will be looking at these YouTube clips.

Hey Katielou2! You are welcome! That was my whole reason for starting this thread to help others with ideas to cover things up with different ways to wigs etc.
I have had great success just by moving my parting right over to one side. Sort of come over style and having a plait pulled around low to the side.
I have also found plaiting my hair and keeping it like that in bed at night has helped reduce hair loss as it is less matted in the morning and so less combing is required.
People at work have been complimenting me on my new hairstyle and asking if any hair has been coming out. No one has noticed!
It is a big confidence boost as I had and was feeling self conscious.
Hopefully more people will post on here with their ideas and successes too!
Vicky xx