Bandaged arm when flying ?

Bandaged arm when flying ?

Bandaged arm when flying ? —I had mastectomy and 6 lymph nodes removed in June, had chemo and then finished radiotherapy 3 days before Christmas. Now I am looking forward to going off to Egypt on Monday for a week but I have a question that needs answering.
I was at a family wedding 2 weeks ago and saw my sister-in-law and her new husband there. His wife died from breast cancer about 2 years ago and I always feel a bit strange when he asks me questions about my treatment. Anyway when I said I was flying to Egypt he told me to make sure I wore an elasticated bandage right the way up my arm as this would stop it swelling.
This was news to me ! I haven’t had any problems with lymphadoema and only have stiffness in my arm from the radiotherapy. Is this only needed if you suffer from lympadoema ?

Flying! Hiya Sarah,

I had mastectomy and axilla clearance in August last year. R.T. finished 1st Nov and chemo finished 18th Nov.

I flew to Cyprus for Xmas on 21st Dec. with no problems. I did suffer with lymphodema/cellulitis ( was hospitalized (sp?) in 2004) was given a sleeve and told to use it if I was doing exercise or gardening…was told not to wear it whilst flying.

I’m sure if you haven’t had any problems with swelling…you wouldn’t need it in any case…like putting a plaster on in case you cut yourself!!!
I’m sure the b.c. nurse would be able to clarify this for you if you are worried as everyone is different.

Relax, chill and have a lovely holiday in Egypt, hopefully you’ll be guaranteed some sunshine.

Marie X

What I did I was told by my breast care nurse that it was good idea to wear a sleeve on long haul flights so I did to New Zealand and to USA. But I don’t wear it for shorter flights…have done Madeira, which is about 4 hours, without.

I haven’t had any major problems with lymphodoema though my mastectomy arm is slightly bigger now than the other one.

Sounds like different bc nurses say different things. Do what you feel comfortable with…and have a fabulous holiday.

By the way…the guy you were talkiing to probably learned a lot about breast cancer treatments and it may help him to feel he can talk about it to someone going through it.

Enjoy the holiday.


flying Hi there

I have had lymphoedema for 4 years now and although I don’t wear a glove and sleeve anymore (use kinesio tape instead), I do always put a sleeve and glove on when I fly short or long haul.

I think it depends on what your nurse recommends - mine did say you can use a sleeve for flying if you haven’t already got lymphoedema but I don’t think it’s standard practice.

Have a great holiday!!


— I’m going to South Africa at the end of March. My bc nurse has said there is no need to wear a sleeve if there is not already a problem with lymphoedema. Just steer clear of alcohol on the flight, also too much caffeine. Drink lots of water and perhaps do a few stretches at intervals to encourage the lypmh to move.

Thanks —Thanks everyone for replying. As it is a 5 hour flight I think I shall go without as I haven’t had any problems upto now. Fingers crossed !!