
Hi Ladies


I’ve had lymphoeda in my right arm for the last 2 years following a second round with BC. Every time I have my arm measured by the lymphoedema nurse there is an increase in size and I’ve had a variety of stronger sleeves to wear but sadly it hasn’t helped. I’m now going to have my arm bandaged for two weeks to see if that can make a difference starting on Monday.

Can anyone tell me what to expect, were you able to drive anad was it all very uncomfortable ?


Any advice or tips grat3efully received,


Thanks, Gill

Dear gmc

There are lots of threads about peoples problems and issues with Lymphoedema, please do continue to post, someone will be along very soon to share their own story.

In the meantime, you may find it helpful to talk directly to our nurses in our Ask Our Nurses section of the Forum.

Best wishes
Digital Community Officer