Firstly apologies for being awol but a lot to digest over the past couple of weeks. After a successful surgery for IDC in my right breast on January 31st, followed then by treatment for a BCC on my back in May, I’m now going into Bart’s on Wednesday for surgery on Thursday to remove a 19mm lymph node in the centre of my chest. They’ve given me five possible diagnosis, four of which are all cancers the fifth is just infection. One of the possibles is metastatic breast cancer.
Obviously I’m not happy at finishing the year as I started it but will be glad to get this over with and then know some answers. Hopefully it’ll be the infection diagnosis, but trying to be realistic. On the good side though I feel fine and this was only found by chance on a CT scan for something completely different.
Wishing everybody a peaceful and calm run up to Christmas, May all your treatments go easy on you and you have a happy time with family and friends. Talk to you all soon xxxx
So sorry to read to are having surgery next week, we are all rooting for you, wishing you health and happiness going forward fingers crossed for an excellent outcome.
Please let us know how you’re getting on, when you feel ready.
Oh @nannabee what an absolute bummer. On the bright side, they have found the damned thing and it is about to be expelled and cut into tiny pieces for analysis. If it is one of the 4/5 outcomes, everything crossed for a positive, fixable outcome but I’m and for infection (that’s a sentence I never thought I’d say). I do hope you’re going to be looked after by family over Christmas and that any waiting for results can be banished to the back of your mind for at least some of the time. I will be thinking of you on Thursday, as many others on here will be, and it would be a fabulous Christmas present for us all to hear that everything has gone well.
I’m so sorry to read this and that you’re going through a difficult time. Thank goodness it was found and you can now get things sorted. Very scary but it could just as well be infection. I’m rooting for you and wish you all the best x
Thank you all for your kind words and support. I will be taking you all with me in my heart and it really does help. Please spare a thought for Bart’s as my very first words when I get there will be when can I go home. It’s even written on my local hospital notes that I will want out asap . Sending you all a massive hug and wishing you al better days. I’ll be in touch xxxxxx
They would be my first words as well . Fingers toes everything else crossed for you and hope it goes well and you get home quickly . With you in spirit and will be looking out for a post from you - but no pressure if you don’t feel up to talking or sharing . Sending love . Xx
I’m so sorry I’m just seeing your post. You had replied to one of my posts in September when I was having difficulty with radiotherapy. You were a source of comfort. By now you would have had your surgery and perhaps know the results. Please know I’m praying for you… You have been a source of comfort and inspiration for many of us. I hope you will be able to enjoy time with your family next week and that this has been a mere inconvenience I can tell you are strong, you got this! Xoxo
@tryingtobebrave1 bless you, I’m actually feeling so much better today - my biggest problem was slowing down, I’m now actually listening to my body (not bad for a first time at 78) and looking at that dust and thinking I could draw a pretty pattern in that. I’ve got the dihydrocodeine down to just twice a day, mainly because I slept through the time for the first dose today. So hopefully now I’ll be sleeping less during the day. I’m taking the view that it is whatever it is I can’t change that, but that they’ve got it all out. I had no symptoms whatsoever and in 2025 I will get my life back, must admit 2024 was a really sh*t year. But that’s the past and now I’m living every day. I think the thing that brought it all home to me was that when my eldest two granddaughters (18&16) were told I was having this surgery they were devastated and I never want to make my girls cry like that again. We kept the breast cancer and skin cancer from them but this one wasn’t so easy to hide. We haven’t mentioned the C word, I also have lupus and we simply blame everything on to that which they know I’ve coped with all their lives and don’t see as a threat whereas their maternal grandfather died from cancer three years ago and to them cancer means death. So it’s time for the big girl knickers and lots of cuddles and laughter with the four grandkids.
Wishing you all lots of cuddles and laughter with those you love xxx
So glad you’re starting to feel better! I can tell you’re a strong woman and sense that you are a very young 78. (Probably because you haven’t rested much lol) and also because of your attitude. So glad you will be spending time with your granddaughters and rest of family. Yes, let’s get this awful year finished and look forward to 2025.