I saw the BBC One Show last night and found the piece about breast screening pointless! It could cause nothing but confusion. Breast screening will pick up early stages of breast cancer, that is what the system is designed for. People should continue with their appointments. Gloria Hunniford, who sadly lost her daughter to breast cancer 8 years ago, was confused by it and she presented the article! So pleased that Sarah Rawlings from Breakthrough was there to clear things up and convince Gloria Hunniford that screening is the way to go. I really don’t know why the Beeb ran the story when the report it was “talking about” hasn’t been published. You slipped on a banana skin Aunty, I only hope people don’t start to doubt the excellent screening program. Early detection is our greatest weapon against breast cancer and we should use every means available to beat it. RD

Well said - I agree!


I agree the program was confusing. I do think women should self exam too. I am not old enough to qualify for screening yet (i am 37) and even on a mammogram my tumour didnt show up. Despite being 5cm by 4cm.
I think what they were trying to say is that the screening is almost too good, and ladies with pre cancerous cells are being treated even though those cells may never become life threatening or turn in to cancer.
It will be interesting to see what the independent review recommends.
I also think its down to us as women to be diligent :slight_smile:

Good call raechi, diligence is the way to go. It’s how they interpret the results of good screening and the chosen path for treatment. It’s not the screening that should be questioned. Better targeted treatments will come on stream and people will have the information to make informed choices.
Regular self examination is always a good approach too.
We sadly lost a friend last year, at 27, she was way “under the radar.” My partner was also too young for the screening program when she was diagnosed. So pleased that she is now three years clear.
I too will be waiting for the report but I hope it’s findings are reported well and clearly.

Agreed. And pleased to see your partner is 3 years clear…thats great news :slight_smile: