Hi I am three years on from diagnosis of Stage 2 invasive lobular BC. Unfortunately as my cancer didn’t show on mammogram (20% don’t!) it had already spread through the whole breast and into one lymph node.
I was advised mastectomy, chemo radiotherapy and oestrogen suppression. All of which I have endured! Education and informed consent has been appalling throughout and I had no idea about the numerous long term side effects. I want that situation to change for people coming up behind me in order that they can make more informed choices. The numerous posts on this forum add fuel to that fire as healthcare professionals largely ignore our pleas and dismiss our side effects as inconsequential. They are not! They are completely life changing and life limiting. I went from athletic and fit at 50 to feeling and moving like I was 105!
I have had to do so much research to find the answers that clinicians couldn’t or wouldn’t give me! Now I want to help others have a voice.
There are almost too many things to post about! Yellow card reporting is really essential as it ensures side effects go from rare to common so then they might actually take notice. Most people don’t know how to do this or assume healthcare workers will do it for them. In most cases they don’t! Google it!
I sailed through treatment relatively unscathed and blissfully unaware of the long term fall out that was to come post treatment. Had I not asked for genetic testing or researched chemo options for my type of cancer I would have been given chemo I didn’t need! No one mentioned that I’d no longer be able to have a sex life, that I could be suicidal on AIs, get bilateral Achilles Tendonitis linked to Letrazole, have a post chemo rheumatoid reaction in my muscles and joints, suffer breathlessness and tachycardia just walking the dog, have FAI ( they told me I needed a hip replacement which I might in due course) alongside tinnitus, rapidly failing eyesight and complete insomnia where I am totally unable to sleep without meds! Had I known any of this for the small % benefits I would not have had many of the treatments recommended. Empathy is pretty much non existent as it’s not happening to them!
What are the answers? Research a lot and drive your own care! Get a second opinion where possible. Check that you really need the treatment and understand the benefit/ risk ratio. Potentially 100% side effects for a few % gain! Due to lack of research there is often only anecdotal evidence available which is why clinicians don’t always recommend things like supplements for example. GTN patches are off label but worked wonders with my AT where nothing else did, COX 2 inhibitors helped with joint pain where standard pain killers didn’t. . Could you have Phisio for FAI rather than a hip replacement? I’m still working on the rest of it and will keep you posted. In the meantime report, report, report side effects and share on the forum until we get results. Be the solution that you want to see. Message me if you think I might be able to help. Good luck! X