i have a swelling under right armpit like down side near breast and swelling left side neck doc give me pain killers could it be cancer please help as doc seems to just ignore it had xray friday
Don’t let the doc fob you off. What x-ray was it? Did the doc refer you?
I’m asking this as there are so many different things and procedures.
Whatever the answer the one thing remains: if you are worried keep going back and don’t stop until you’re happy. I don’t want to scare you unnecessarily as most lumps and bumps turn out to be nothing - but my GP missed my lump 2 weeks before another found it and sent me for a check-up. But that was me, not you, so please don’t let me panic you but do keep going back.
good luck. x
it was a chest xray but my neck is sore and swollen last night and like blood spots are coming up and few like purple bruises are appearing hope you are ok thanks for replying
Hi jessicachristine.
Do not worry, swelling may be benign. This is not necessarily cancer. I think this is not cancer, or a doctor would sound the alarm. But despite our assumptions, the survey you need.
Everything will be fine.
doc rang today wanting me to make a appointment to talk about results of xray they told me results will be back thursday or friday and its only tuesday swelliing in neck more blood spots and purple like bruises appearing going docs in morning to see what he says
Best of luck hope you get some reassurance tomorrow