My Mac Nurse sent me the details of the next BCC younger women’s forum in Brighton in September. She recommends it but I’m in two minds and I wondered if anyone had any more information than is available on the website?
My concerns are that I’m not that young really (40) and some of the worries that bother younger ladies aren’t really a problem. For instance, I don’t want any more children so fertility isn’t an issue. Another factor is that I haven’t had any breast surgery so I wouldn’t be interested in talks about lymphodoema or post-op lingerie. Finally I’ve got secondaries and I wouldn’t want to be the only there with mets, feeling like the spectre at the feast!
To be honest it probably won’t be suitable, but what do others think? I’d really prefer a Secondaries forum, but there aren’t any in travelling distance.
I was 44 when I went on the Younger women’s forum in October 06 and there were several of us there who were about 40. That is how the Gobby Gang started as we met there and have been meeting and talking to each other since then.
I think it depends what you want to get out of the course and if you want a chance to get away - food lovely and nice own room etc and meet others.
It depends what the course content is to how appropriate the meeting will be for you. There were options of subgroups and 1 of those was aimed at secondaries. There were 4 of us in that part which although very helpful and gave us an opportunity to really say what we wanted to without that fear of upsetting someone newly diagnosed was not I’m sorry to say facilitated brilliantly (one member was allowed to dominate but then it was the first time they had done a younger women’s secondary group so hopefully the lesson will be learnt).
We covered other treatment options, diet and relaxation and the speakers were all excellent. The BCC workers and facilitators were very friendly and helpful and it was a brill way to meet others in the same situation and although emotionally draining at times, the rewards of our gobby gang continuing has been way worth it. If anybody got upset, then it was excellently handled and there was no pressure to answer or take part in things if you could not face it ie it was pointless going to the menopausal symptom talk as I’m not suffering so took the opportunity to have a long bath on my own instead!!!
I’ve also been on a secondary day which was also excellent but for me I got more out of the younger women’s course as it was for 2 days and we could spend the evening giggling and crying and I likeed having my own spaceaway and having the opportunity to meet others in the same boat.
Why not ask who is planning on going and see if you can strike up any ‘relationship’ with them which is what we did and it paid dividends as we arranged to meet up at the hotel and so it wasn’t scary being on my own?
Can’t really help you more than that - think it really depends on whether you want to meet others or not at the end of the day as whatever course you do, there always will be sessions that don’t appeal but for me the group camaraderie was the best thing. Maybe not the best thing to admit here but I did gain knolwedge and insight into different things.
Hello Silverlady
Like Kate above, I went to the Younger Womans Forum in Exeter last year and was really pleased I did.
I found some of the chats really interesting and beneficial and others that weren’t so. What I got most out it was meeting younger woman I could talk too and who understood my thoughts and fears. I chose 2 workshops that appealed to me but did prefer the bigger group sessions with lots of input and questions from everyone. I personally found it interesting speaking to woman further on than me and those who had it caught early and hearing all the different path findings, diagnoses,prognosis and treatment options.
As Kate has explained its how we all met in gobby gang thread, we had all replied to a post on here asking who was going and arranged to meet for dinner on arrival at the hotel. Over pizza and quite alot of wine it was the start of a very good friendship.
I’m pleased I went
Hi, thanks for the replies. I contacted BCC and asked about secondaries forums in the South East and they’ve put me on the mailing list for the next one in Kent, in October/November. I think the upcoming young women’s forum in September is a bit short notice to get time off work so on balance I think I’d prefer to wait for the secondaries forum.
I’m pleased to hear how much others got from their experience - I hope the one I attend is as good
I went to a BCC Younger Womens Forum in Carnoustie a couple of months back and thoroughly enjoyed every minute. I was the only one there who had finished all her treatment so was beginning to feel a little odd however once you get talking to the others, its amazing how different you begin to feel.
I have also been to healthy living days and a living with BC workshop and loved every moment of it. Its really good to connect with those who are in the same boat.
Hope you find what you are looking for with the forums. Hey you could try them all. At least you would get to meet some really great people.
Best wishes and keep well
Elizabeth xxx
Hi, just a quick message, I went to the forum in Wrexham and I was very apprehensive. I t was one of the best things I did and made me realise that whilst it is rare to have BC under the age of 50 (i was 38 when diagnosed) , it was really good to talk to women of a similar age. I would recommend them.