When I have left a message requesting a call back it has always been the same day. I guess if I called towards the end of the day I would expect a call the following morning. I would probably follow up the day after that, unless I thought it was more urgent than that.
Remember that you can call or message the lovely nurses on here.
Thank you for your reply….
I called yesterday around 1pm , maybe they will call later today, it’s just you have to stay worried over the weekend if they don’t get chance…
I am probably being silly over something or nothing ,so feel awkward to push it .
But thanks
I have rarely had to call but when I have it always go to voicemail so I say in a short sentence what I am calling about. I have always had a call back by the end of the day but would find it acceptable to wait 24 hours. If I’d heard nothing by then I’d call again. They ARE very busy and often short staffed and I know in my hospital they often work longer hours than they should but nevertheless you shouldn’t be left dangling for more than 24 hours in my opinion.
I’m lucky I can send a text and email or call. I gave up asking for a particular Nurse I just get whoever is available . Usually I get a reply pretty quickly . Xx
Hi @pbr
In my experience, my BCN always called the same day but generally after hours as they are always so busy. But if she was away for any reason then it could take a bit longer, I am assuming that they were short staffed in these instances, hope you get in touch soon x
Any calls to my team go to voicemail. They say they aim fornthensame day but if not heard by 1pm the next day to call back. I’m assuming they mean you call in the am, so a 24ish hr reply at the latest.
I have found that more ‘exact needs’, if that make sense gets a quicker reply. E.G. my 1st call re lymphoedema got a call back quite quickly, a call about getting a new prosthetic was next day.
Once or twice I’ve called to chase an appointment. In that instance, I’ll tell them to only call me if they have a question and to just get the appointment details sent to me.
Thank you, that does help , I feel better about calling back now ( on Monday) .
I do have a concerning area on my scar line so I hope they can get back to me quickly. The worry is so exhausting, and my mind is starting to go into freefall and probably over thinking stuff.