Been asked to go in to work for a welfare chat

Hello everyone


i had my lumpectomy in May, had 4 lots of fluid removed due to seroma.



I’m currently very  tired, red and itchy which I’ve been given hydrocortisone.  Got cording which I’m doing my exercises and my husband is massaging it and I nearly go through the roof with pain.


started radiotherapy had 9 sessions, 6 to go.


Up to recently my work have been brill, I did call in two times one after I recovered from my op to say hello, the second time was quite recently again to say hello.


Ive now been advised that HR want me to call in for a Welfare chat, so I sent them an email with my current situation, so they said they think would be best for me to call in when my treatment was over.


Since then due to me worrying, I’ve sent emails called to sort this out, but so far not sure when I’m going.


Ive been keeping my boss updated weekly with my progress.


So do I really need to go and see HR, it’s stressing me out, do they not believe me, yes I’ve not been off  since May but I do have cancer.


sorry for the rant.




Hi Nik,
With my employer it is policy that you see HR of you’re on sick leave for over a month, so maybe it’s just following your work policy.
I found it a positive process, as I was able to clarify things like phased return to work & was informed about protections under the Equalities Act which I was not aware of. ie that your employer has a duty to make reasonable adjustments.
Any good employer should be offering you this, as you should be supported in your return to work.
If you need further advice, I’ve seen here that other ladies have found Macmillan helpful on this.
ann x

I spoke to them on the phone or by e mail ,I said I was too ill to go in.Found it very stressful and even though they were nice it felt like a pressure I could do without .

They all have sickness procedures they have to follow but they get applied in the same way whether you have a broken leg or cancer !!! You have enough to deal with already ,I found myself getting quite upset about the subtle pressure to " get well" .

Ultimately what can they do if you say you are not up to a meeting with HR they can’t sack you for having cancer ,as long as your GP says you are not fit for work and you keep them informed but it’s generally not a very supportive system .I am going through similar again as had a Gynae cancer which resulted in a hysterectomy and I’m just not up to attending the 6 weeks sickness reviews they keep inviting me too ,so far have refused .

Hi Nik


I had my op 2 wks ago, so I am on sick leave for 3wks. which runs out next week, luck for me I work in a school, so am on hols after that. Before I had my op, I gave copies of all my letters & appointments to the HR dept and in due course the headmaster was informed. I had a meeting with him and he assured me that there would be no problem with me having time off for treatment and future follow ups, plus also reduced hours if required. I also gave the HR dept, my eldest daug’s details and told them she was going to be my main appoint of contact at all times and they were quite happy with that, as I did not want a stressful time by been pestered. Your workplace should be supporting you, one day it could be them that is going through cancer treatment.


Love Peggyxxx

Hello Nik, hope you are starting to feel a bit better and that the cording is settling down. Sorry to hear that you feel stressed by work pestering you, that’s really not what you need.

I work in HR for a schools trust. As others say it is policy to check to see how people on long term sick are doing. From the employers point of view they have a duty of care and need to plan cover for your absence and also see what they can do to help you when you return to work.

Also, not knowing your age or personal circumstances, if you ultimately feel that you want to take early retirement on medical grounds they have to show that they have followed the 3 or 4 stages in the policy to enable you to do this, so it is beneficial for you. Your meetings can be over the phone if you’re not up to travelling.

It sounds like you have a supportive head and HR really don’t want you getting stressed. They just need to check in so you still receive your sick pay and may be offer you counselling or see occupational health when you up feeling up to it and also understand any adjustments they need to plan for when you’re ready to return to work.

If you are still not fit for work (which I’m sure you’re not this close to surgery and in the middle of rads) you will need to get a sick note to cover you over the holidays.

Please try not to stress about work, I am sure they will be as supportive as they can be next term.