Been changed to urgent case

Hi ladies. I was referred to breast clinic on Friday but told not urgent so will be a 4-6 week wait. Was not happy but what can you do. Over the weekend the pain in my breast, chest and between my shoulder blades has been really bad so went back to docs this morning for strong painkillers. Doc prescribed some but also said as the pain is quite bad he is changing my referral to be an urgent one. This means I should be seen in a week or 2 max. Should I be a bit more worried now as he had changed me to urgent? I’m not sure if I should be or not :frowning:

Of course you will worry but at least you don’t have to worry so long hope all goes Ok please keep us informed good luck and cyber hugs!!

I won’t say don’t worry as it is natural you will. I got a refered within a week as my mum has recently had it too, so it can be done quicker. I will also say once I knew I had BC I had pains but think they may have been phsycosymatic (spelt wrong I am sure).

Good luck

Sam xx

Try not to be worried, easier said than done I know. When my GP referrered me to the Breast Clinic he said that goverment guidelines say that all women who have been referred should be seen within 2 weeks, I am lucky that in our area our hospital stick to the guidelines and all women are seen in that time scale as a matter of course. Now you won’t have so long to wait and worry which is the worst bit.

I hope all goes well for you.

Best of luck
Chris xx

Thanks ladies. I should know my appointment date by Wednesday so now I’m wishing the days away lol

Sinfullyd, hang on in there. The waiting is horrendous and all sorts will go through your mind. I have just come back from an appointment and have experienced similar symptoms to you. My results came back clear, so here’s hoping yours do too. Sending you HUGE virtual hugs xxxx

Sinfullyd, hang on in there. The waiting is horrendous and all sorts will go through your mind. I have just come back from an appointment and have experienced similar symptoms to you. My results came back clear, so here’s hoping yours do too. Sending you HUGE virtual hugs xxxx