been referred back to breast clinic again

I was referred to the breast clinc in Dec last year and got a small skin cyst removed which was totally inocent I had a mammogram done then as well on my left breast which was clear

This week I have noticed that when I bend over and put pressure on my left breast it was sore , so decided to check last night and found to my horror a hard area round my nipple , got hubby to check I was right this morning when he came in from work and he noticed the difference in my left breast right away after feeling my right breast first.

Went to surgery and the Gp felt my breast standing up and said she felt what I was talking about but it was not a lump as such but given my family history would refer me back to the breast clinc for them to check it out. She did forget to check it when im lying down as you can feel the hard area better then. Its not sore all the time but is tender in the area round my nipple.

Im feeling numb this now and not really sure what to think , the gp did say she thought it was nothing to worry about, so is not referring me as urgent as she cant feel a definte lump. sorry if spelling is not right in this msg , my brain is not working right lol.

Sorry to hear that you have to be referred again. I hope you don’t have to wait too long for an appointment and get favourable results at the end of it.

Dear hazm09

Sorry to hear you are going through such a worrying time. If you feel it would help to talk things through then you can always give our helpline a ring. It is free and on 0808 800 6000 and open Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm
Saturday, 9am - 2pm

all the best


thanks for the responses and the phone number will keep a note of it

still not sure how to feel ,keep telling myself its nothing to worry about it will be fine then I get this wee voice saying it might not be arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Good luck - the most important thing is to do something and quickly!

Love Tuesday xx

Try and keep positive,I wish you the very best of luck x

hi sweetie,
i have a hard lump near nipple, and the doc told me it was nothing just natural change, i did have a mamo and that was clear
so i hope you get the all clear too

thanks for all the comments back they really help

still feeling very uncertain but im beginning to think the gp should have checked the breast with me lying down as im now beginning to think its swollen glands and nothing to bother about much , there is no lump as such just a hard area and its beginning to look as if my nipple is slightly crooked leaning towards the side that the hard area is , if that makes sense on reading it back lol

ah well gp has referred me so will have to wait for appointment and see what happens then. Just hope they dont think im wasting their time

You are definitely not wasting anyones time!
Its always a good idea to check out any suspicious areas.
A couple of years ago a cyst that I found it my right breast proved to be just that, I was also told that I had lumpy breasts and ladies of a certain age often get cysts.
Then last October I found a cyst in my left breast so back to the GP and another referral to hospital. That also turned out to be a cyst, but on that occassion the scan also showed up two very small suspicious areas which turned out to be cancer.
So if I or the GP had just dismissed the cyst as another cyst it would have been some time before the lumps were discovered.
So always better safe than sorry and hopefully everything will be ok and we will be able to celebrate with you!!
All the best
M x

thanks magsi for the reply

I have just had a row from hubby , the area that was hard on my left breast is not so evident this morning I was for phoning sugery and saying forget the hospital appointment as it would be a waste of time as the area that was hard is not there now. Hubby exploded and said I was not to phone and still get checked out as you never know. I then came on here and read your reply about being safe and sorry and this was just after hubby checked my left breast again and said its not as evident but there was something hard right behind my nipple still.

My emotions are all over the place , one minute im fine the next im thinking omg.

again thanks for replying , I will keep the appointment when I get one though and get this checked out as you said its better to be safe and sorry.