Being made redundant

I have found out that my office is closing and I am going to be made redundant. 

I had breast cancer treatment earlier this year, including a mastectomy and am now waiting for reconstruction, with my first plastic surgery appointment on Monday. I was due to have the operation end of Sept/Oct.

I am acutely aware that I am unlikely to be able to get a job whilst I need surgery and time off and my redundancy will take effect before my op. Does anyone have any experience of obtaining an enhanced redundancy package in light of this? (I am aware that it is lawful to make me redundant if restructuring is going on.)


I’m sorry you’re going through this @Pippy14. Macmillan Support Helpline has a dedicated work support team  0808 8080000 which you may find helpful. I hope you find the support you’re looking for ?

Sending our love,
