'Being there' when I can't be there


I’m afraid I may be being a bit of an intruder her, however was wondering if anyone could offer some advice. A dear friend of mine has recently found out that their mum has secondary breast cancer and is facing a long chemotherapy treatment plan. I live several hours away from my friend and their family so feel that the ways I can help practically (i.e. With meals or around the house) are limited.

For those of you who have been through or are going through having a family member’s breast cancer diagnosis - what are the most helpful/encouraging things friends have done for you?

I don’t want to pretend that I know what they’re going through but I also don’t want to bombard them with questions of how I can help. I have done a little reading about secondary breast cancer but am not quite sure where to go from here. I just want to ‘be there’ in whatever way I can be from across the miles and would appreciate any suggestions you can offer :slight_smile:

Thank you.

Hi Ruthyme,

You are not an intruder, but someone who cares, and wishes to do so in a gentle supportive manner.

Despite my diagnosis i felt ill prepared to help a friend when her husband was diagnosed with an inoperable cancer. I bought the book What Can I Do To Help, 75 practical ideas by Deborah Hutton.

Sadly my friend lost her husband, the time span was brutal. During the treatment phases i would text, ending it with No need to reply. We would arrange times that she would call me, amd i would try to let her dictate discussions on their coping.

I think she appreciated this, we have met several times since, and continue to text regularly.

Hope this helps you a little.