Hi all,
I’m just here for a rant, I’m supposing there are others equally as annoyed as me.
I had my mx coming up for 5 weeks ago now and am due to start FEC on the 23rd of december (just in time for xmas, Lovely). I was told by my BC nurse to look into what benefits my husband and I would be entitled to, Finances are tight with him having to take time off work, having 3 under 6’s and Christmas right around the corner.
I rang the enquiry line, Which is now out of use, Got given a new number, rang them and was given a new number, this happened 4 times till I eventually got to speak to a human being, She was helpful to a point but could only tell me about a small portion of information. I’m not bothered about that really, What I am bothered about is the fact that she pretty much told me, Unless I’m already disabled or lazy and on jsa or claiming some other benefit then I’ve almost no chance of claiming anything.
Our country is too busy handing out to the wrong people and it winds me up something cronic.
Anyone else been in a similar sittuation and managed to claim in the end. they gave me a number to get the claim form sent to me which I will do anyway but I won’t lie on it just to get money like some people I know would.
I do suffer with Cording after my axillary clearance so I actually still cannot lift my arm (bent at the elbow) past shoulder height and my husband has to help me with my top half clothes wise,