Hi, I found a lump which turns out is cancer and also in lymph nodes. MRI booked for Monday to see if anywhere else it’s not. Been told that shortly after I will start chemotherapy. My question is to all those that have been through this already. I have read leaflets and information online suggesting that skin problems etc are common. I am trying to prepare everything while I wait for things to get going and wanted advice on what you guys consider the best affordable brands of the following are. I usually cleanse tone and moisturise my face so need suitable products. I am guessing could get diprobase or something for skin? Deodorant, any better brands of make-up and shampoo and conditioner. Anything else you think I will need please also suggest. Sorry, it’s just my way of dealing with it by trying to get as prepared as I can in advance. Thanks x
Hi Camcat,
It’s been 5 years now for me since my treatment. Like you I wanted to use what was best for me, I used baby shampoo bcoz it’s more gentle on your head/hair and Bionsen deodorant as it’s aluminum free.
Good luck, take a day at a time and be kind to yourself .
Any questions pls ask. x
Thank you, I have seen that deodorant on sale so will look to pick some up x
Hello @camcat
I have recently finished a short round of chemotherapy (just 4 sessions) after having a lumpectomy in the summer. I was advised to use something perfume free such as Simple shower gel and shampoo. For moisturiser I use E45.
I’m the same way! I have a few wigs and hair pieces on the way. I cut my hair last night and bought numbing cream, scarves, and etc. I want to be as prepared as possible and I’d rather be over prepared than under. I truly don’t know what to expect and am hoping for the best.
I love my baths and was advised to use non scented etc. I only ever had a problem with skin after first chemo cycle where I had a rash but it never appeared again thankfully and I cheekily went back to my radox. I bought hypo allergy foundation and some non-waterproof mascara as didn’t want to put my lashes through more trauma but pretty much carried on with everything as before. See how you go anyway, everyone is different as are the treatments but best of luck x
sorry you find yourself here. Do get booked onto look good feel better through your MacMillan at your trust
you get free goody bag of make up and taught how to apply
it’s free. If you are having chemo and not cold capping your trust might have pre loved wigs in the MacMillan that you can usually purchase for a donation
also ask your trust about a wig voucher too
udderly smooth with extra urea from Amazon was a staple for a lot of us back in 2017 it quenched skin well
a lip balm is handy to have too
ask away on here
everyone will help as much or as little as you need us
Shi xx
It’s just trying to be ready for the complete unknown and feel like I’m doing something while waiting if preparing lol x
I didn’t have a clue what to use when they told me to use only natural products. I looked in the supermarkets and the list on the back of bottles was as long as your arm. So I bought stuff from the Body Shop that cost a fortune!
Then my friend sent me some balms from a well known company that makes them for people going through cancer, but it was rock hard and my fingers were so sore! At that point I made all my own stuff! Balms that are whipped, so softer, and natural nail oil and lip balms. I now go to little artisan markets where I sell products specifically for people going through cancer treatment and/or menopause, but I made a rule to not make money for myself out of it…I just do it to help others. I have had the benefit of being completely therapeutic for me, to make products, create recipes, have my products assessed by a chemist…I’ve loved it! xx
Hi Camcat
I say stick with what you already use, unless you have already had any reactions. Avoid Baby shampoo… it is NOT gentle. Apparently Baby hair isnt like normal hair and their shampoo is harsh to rid it of… sorry can’t remember name of what i was told. Generally you need to use shampoos without SLS in them, these are harsh chemicals. Check out Karen Ruggles natural shampoo if you want something special, otherwise Garnier honey treasures my hairdressers says is great for children and adults.
Under arm, go for Sannex - it doesn’t have aluminium, which could affect radiotherapy down the line. Continue cleanse tone and moisturize, incorporate Micellar water is the tip i gleaned from the’Look good feel good’ workshop. speaking of which if you get the chance go for that workshop, but aim for one in your 3rd week, ie just before you next chemotherapy.
Good luck and keep reading the forum, there is great support. finally look forward to/focus a date in the future - my friend kept reminding me it will all be over in time for Wimbledon! or Bramham Horse trials. Love and hugs
I’ve had the MRI and CT got bone scan Tuesday then my destiny will be revealed with chemo starting shortly after x
I used natural shampoo and conditioner bars before my BC and didn’t have any side effects on my skin during chemo, but treat myself to a body lotion for radiotherapy. I bought a solid deodorant from Holland & Barrett, who have a great selection (online at least) of deodorants, shampoo, conditioners & body lotions cheaper than the Body Shop. They have 3 for 2 offer on at the moment where you can mix and match beauty products. Hope this helps.