Best Bra Post Surgery and Instant reconstruction

After spending a fortune at M&S trying to find a comfie bra post surgery and to accommodate my silicone recontruction - I’ve found the right one and wanted to share. I found that even though the post surgery bras had soft seams - they still seemed to dig into my new boob. This bra has moulded cups and slightly longer line. No seams and some nice side support too. Not too expensive either. My boob is comfy and no more red lines.

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Thank you for sharing @irenko! I am so glad you have found something that works well for you, and I’m sure it will help many others here.


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Thank you @irenko , I’m 6 months from my reconstruction, 18mths post mastectomy and ‘still’ have trouble with bras being uncomfortable.
I’m going to try one of these, thank you!
Sue x

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Hope it’s as comfy for you as it is for me. Sending hugs :hugs:

Does anyone know if you can book at appointment for a fitting in advance at m&s, or should i just turn up?
I have one diep flap breast and one expander breast (diep failed) which has a value underneath that can be uncomfortable and will be of changeable size.
Wondering if I should just stay in the stretchy bras for now. :grimacing:

I would always book as they can’t always fit you in. Somewhere in the group I posted about a really comfy bra that I’ve ended up with after spending money on lots that really weren’t right.