Best friend now has secondary cancer

My best friend has just been diagnosed with SC, but seems completely in denial about the prognosis. She is naturally very positive and is one of life’s fighters. In her own words she was going to give the Big C a kick up the a**e and out of her life!
I admire her for her outlook, but I’m worried she’s not being realistic. She lives on her own, and whilst she has lots of friends and family around her standard is response is ‘I’m fine’… In a ‘stop worrying’ kind of tone.
I see on this forum advice on depression… Is there any about being overly positive?!.. Or should I take a leaf out of her book?!?

Hi CG1312

You might find it helpful to chat to one of our helpliners about this.  They are open again today as normal (9-5).  The number is 0808 800 6000

Very best wishes


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