Best tolerated Letrozole brands?

I’ve recently switched to Letrozole after two years on Tamoxifen, (suited me with very few issues).

I’m trying out different brands of Letrozole. Sun Pharma was awful and I felt so tired on it with headaches and aching joints. This month I’ve asked my pharmacy for something different so I’ve now got Accord.

I appreciate things will take a while to settle but I’m interested what other brands people use and have found suited them best. I appreciate we’re all different but just wondered if one brand highlights with fewer side affects for people overall.


Hi @Frances55

This is a link to a thread from a while ago that you might be interested in.

I don’t think there’s a one-size-fits-all when it comes to brand but, as the NHS won’t stretch to the original Femara, a lot seem to think that Accord is not a bad alternative. Some people don’t like it at all but, looking through the attached thread, Accord does ok. I have it as the preferred option on my repeat prescription. I got on fine with Sun Pharma too so it is very individual.

Obviously the biggest cause of side effects is the wiping out of oestrogen, which is what AIs do unlike Tamoxifen. AIs have been proven to be more effective in keeping recurrence at bay for post-menopausal women but there are plenty of women on this forum who got on better continuing with Tam post-menopause than converting to an AI. I guess it could be worth a conversation with your oncologist if the SE become problematic. Hopefully things will settle down over the next few months and when you find one you “like”, ask your GP to name it on your repeat prescription. It won’t guarantee you get it as distribution is very much in the hands of the wholesalers but I’ve only had one lot that wasn’t my preferred option (Accord).

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I end up getting whatever the Pharmacist has in stock for Letrozole, in fact I have even been in a situation where they ran out and I had to get an emergency prescription and try a different chemist. I have personally found that Amarox and Accord work best for me. I have recently had Cipla and noticed a lot more side effects.


Thanks Tigress that’s really useful x

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Thanks AMWG

Accord is my current prescription and I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Sun Pharma was awful last month. I started initially on Amarox and felt well but I reckoned I hadn’t been on it long enough to get a real idea.

I’ll see how it goes. Thanks for responding and hope you’re feeling well x

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I’m struggling with SE whatever brand I get. The muscle, joint pain is unbearable at times, my back spasms & I can’t move easily. Sleep not great, flushes manageable.
I found that requesting a certain brand often leaves me with no letrozole as it’s very hit & miss supply wise.
Hope you can find one that suits and are able to get each time. Hugs

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Sorry you’re struggling Nijan. Hugs back

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Its so individual…ive been on accord for 3 years …bestvof a bad bunch…this brand is on my repeat prescription…i always get it …never had any problems

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Thank you and hope you find a brand that works well for you x

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I have been taking Accord for two years without any problems

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I take accord no problems

I have been taking Letrozole now for just over a year and I think I have taken nearly every brand. It’s a different brand every time. I found the Accord one the best. But can’t guarantee to be that every time. Wish I could ! The hot flushes seemed to stop about two months ago, but the aching comes and goes. Some months are better than others. So imagine it is to do with the different brands.