best wishes for tomorrow Sharon, onwards and upwards!

Hi sharon, thinking of you tomorrow with your 1st rads, I see my onc. Tomorrow so hope we can catch up. And, of course sending lol to all who have any appointments. Carry on girls!  Xxxxxxxx

Thanks Pandorra and I hope your session with the Oncologist goes well :slight_smile:


I’ll start the thread for us ‘Marching Together’ ladies tomorrow when I report back after my first session. Hopefully it will all be non-eventful and just a case of getting it over and done with (and I can already see that I’m going to get fed up with slathering on the skin cream 3 times a day.  What with that and doing the exercises there is going to be almost no time left to do anything else!)



Hi Eileen, 


Sorry you’re having healing problems and hope it sorts itself out soon. Any idea when your rads will start?



Hope that goes well Eileen (they seem pretty straightforward) and most of us seem to start our treatment 2-3 weeks after the planning session so with a bit of luck you’ll only have to do 3 weeks and will be finished early in May :) 



Oh girls I am all over the place, I keep losing track. Sorry Eileen just posted somewhere else asking how you are as worried not seen anything, and just seen this. Hope getting better, take care. I will try and keep up. Again a big thank you to all for the wonderful support, love you all trillions xxxxxxxxxx

Hi Eileen sorry so late but the days just go. Have you started rads yet. I  go for planning on Thursday 26th so should hopefully get dates. Started on anastrozole just over a week now, sounds strange as I could never have hrt due to breast cancer in the family, had a blood clot some years ago and now I am taking it as a life saver. Sorry to hear about your meltdown, are you ok now. Great to hear from you. Lol xxxxxxx

Oh Jill thank you so much. I just don’t seem to take everything in!   Let’s hope I lay up the right way when I go for planning on Thursday. Love you all xxxxxxxxx

Pandorra you’ve just set me off on a fit of the giggles, loving the idea of you climbing on the couch with your head on the knee rest and feet under the scanner!:womanlol:  It’d probably get rid of any hard skin you might have on your feet though LOL



I have terrible sense of direction, so who knows where anything will be. Hope they don’t want me to stick my legs around anything. Of course I  will let you all know. So pleased you had a giggle sharon. Lol xxxxxx