Well 2moz is my last day of rads never thought how quick a year cud be finally its over whippee i will say ive had some gud advice on this site and it has helped me loads i hope i can do the same and help where i can i feel FANTASTIC thanks to everyone

Congrats on reaching the end of rads Elaine. I hope next year is a better year for you.

thanks it means a lot

Well done, and enjoy

Congratulations Elaine!!

Hi everyone,
Today was my last day of Rads, and I just wanted to post encouragement to others who are undergoing their treatment plans, because it DOES come to an end!! It’s quite liberating to walk out of the unit after the last one, even though all the staff were lovely.
After an awful year of OH having a heart op, then my dx, chemo and rads,we are hoping very much to have a better time next year! Mind you, my GP has just put me on carbimazole tabs, as she’s foundout last week i have an over active thyroid! No wonder i have lost a lot of weight…I was blaming it on to after effects of chemotherapy :slight_smile:
Lots of love to all of you, I know how you feel, and there IS light at the end of the

P.S AND I now have the equivalent of a man’s 5 o’clock shaodow on my head… I keep looking in the mirror, and insisting OH looks at my head with a magnifying glass!!xx

Hi halfscottish well done to you i cried when i walked out of the treatment room saying thats it ive done it wippee sorry to hear about your thyroid im sure they will sort it out 4 u just enjoy your day best foot forward good luck

Thanks elaine-r,
Yes, a really good feeling!
I hope my thyroid WILL be sorted soon, I’m so bony round my bum now it’s hard to sit stll too long!! Have to keep swopping cheeks…Lol.
Take care,