Big love...


to anybody who has a momentous day this week. Been really busy so I’m hopelessly behind with the threads, so I’m just sending all my very best wishes to Sue for her op, CK for her chop, WhyteFawn for the bone and CT scan results, Rhona for her chemo and anyone else who is waiting for appointments, scans, results or treatment plans. Apologies for any major omissions but it’s tricky to keep up with it all given that I’m sure most of us have had more appontments, scans and results over the past few weeks than we’ve had in our whole lives.


Night night everyone, sleep well 


CherryBakewell xx

Hi  Cherry Bakewell


Thanks for your good wishes. Got my PICC line in and ready for my chemo appointment. I know what you mean about keeping up with threads, it is hard. I’ve had three hospital appointments this week which is three more than I’ve had in the last 20 years!


Have a good sleep yourself


Rhona xx

Hi Cherry B
The chop is at 5.30pm.x

Hi cherry I am sat at hospital awaiting ct scan results me and hubby just been to get coffee from the coffee shop and he has got a giant cherry bskewrll to go with his coffee you can tell how big it is by the price it was £2.49 ??? he did offer me a bite though but couldn’t eat a thing xxx


Sending you masses of positive hair chopping vibes!! Bet you’ll look super cool and as you’re petite you’ll look sweet and pixie-like. I’d look like a bouncer… ? Xx

Rhona fab news on your chemo going well xx

when I was 50 in May I had a fancy dress party and I went as morticia Adams and hubby was Gomez (albeit an overweight morticia) however I have told everyone when I am bald I will look more like uncle festers girlfriend dementia ???x