I feel like my life has been turned upside down today. After my first ever mammogram I was initially diagnosed with high grade DCIS in my right breast. I’d had no symptoms or cause to worry. Ultra sounds showed my lymph nodes were clear. I had to have a mastectomy with sentinel lymph node biopsy as the DCIS was in two places but was told it was likely this was all the treatment I would need so I had immediate reconstruction with an implant.
Today much to the shock of my surgeon and me the path report showed three areas of small grade 3 invasive cancer - 10mm, 5mm and 1 mm and cancer in the lymph node that was removed. I’m also HER2+ and ER- I’m now facing 6 months of chemo, herceptin, then surgery for lymph node clearance and radiotherapy.
I felt so well and now it feels like my world has collapsed.
I am struggling to feel positive at all and can’t stop crying. At the moment life seems very unfair and cruel.
Sorry to hear what you’re going through, Rubster, what a shock, getting your head around the initial diagnosis then having all the balls thrown up in the air again.
Although it’s hardly what you want to go through, at least you know what you’re dealing with & have the treatment plan to get it dealt with now.
Do come & chat or vent whenever you need to.
ann x
Hi Rubster
So sorry to read your results today. I don’t know whether this is your first time on the forum, but if it is, then welcome. Please come and chat anytime and the ladies on here will support you as much as possible.
When the results come in it’s just so mind numbing because its all too much. So I just wanted to say, try to take one treatment at a time. I’ve been through lumpectomy, chemo and rads and it’s all doable. Not nearly as bad as you might think. This can be treated, you can get through it and you will get out the other side.
There will be ladies you can talk to on here who will be going through the same treatment as you and there will also be ladies like me, who have been through it all.
Sending a hug.
Sue xx
Thinking of you Rubster xxx
It’s a shock and more so because you thought you knew what you were facing it does get easier and you will have up days and down days.
I was told from very first visit to clinic that my lump,which I thought was hormonal, was very likely bc. Surgeon unfortunately wasn’t wrong I had 48mm stage 3 er and her2 + breast cancer, had mastectomy and lymph clearance within 7 days . Now had first chemo of 6 and need Herceptin plus tamoxifen.
Be kind to yourself, the forum is great for support and to get questions answered.
We will all be with you on your journey. Sending a hug. Xxx
So sorry Rubster. I’m waiting for my results (Thursday) and can only imagine what it’s like to have the wind knocked out like that. At least you are among friends here. Stick around.
Thank you everyone for your kind words. X
Hope it goes well for on Thursday x
Hi Rubster
Sorry I can’t offer any word of wisdom but I’m at the beginning of this unwanted journey too. Sending you soldarity and hugs and see you en route XXXX
I’m so sorry about your results. I have had a similiar diagnosis to you as well today-my lymph nodes looked clear on the scan, but I’ve got cancer in 3 of the 10 removed, so will probably now have to have chemo. It all feels a bit surreal. Thinking of you xx
Hi Rubster
After being told I had DCIS I had a lumpectomy which I recovered very well from! Then was the waiting and I was also shocked to find out that I have Grade 2 Ductal BC. Will need chemo, another op, lymph nodes removed (I’ve chosen) and radio therapy. Our diagnoses are simular.
I have come to terms with it and just want to start my chemo soon as possible. I am seeing the nurse tomorrow. I have she’d many a tear, it all seems surreal but hey, come on girl leys get treated and ve strong for each other along with Sin, Jencat and all the other ladies on here.xx
Oh no that must have been such a shock for you.sorry you got this news .
Rubster-thinking of you and understand what you’re going through. My diagnosis was nearly the same as you. I’ve gone from DCIS and lymph nodes were clear to Stage 1 as I had ‘microinvasion’ around the edge of my lump, to yesterday being told that out of 10 lymph nodes taken out, cancer is in 3. I will now probably need chemo (hadn’t been talked about before) as I’m now borderline to whether I need it. I’ve also got to have a body and bone scan just to check it hasn’t spread, which I’m really panicking about even though the consultant was telling me it was routine procedure and they don’t expect to find anything xx
It’s good to hear from so many people who are going through similar things to me. Today was a better day - I’ve had family over and my husband has been with me all day. Just had a big wobble tonight - having been calm all day. Best wishes to everyone waiting results or starting treatment.
Hi Rubster
Sending you a hug.
I don’t get my results till Tuesday next week all I know is I have bc
We will all get through this together