Big step - swim suit out!

Well ladies I got very brave yesterday and dug my swimming cossie out of the dark depths of the wardrobe and tried it on. I’ve been thinking about it for a while but haven’t dared in case I look awful, but delighted to say as its a speedo swimming one (rather than a fashion one) it is quite high around the neck so doesn’t show my cleavage and I look totally normal.

Over the last year I’ve had 3 WLE’s op’s on my poor boob, although I’ve been lucky enough to get lipofilling each time so not looking too bad. Although my boob is definately smaller and I have a hollow where the tumour was - upper, inner quarter so cleavage a bit non-existant on one side. Hence I was a bit scared of how I’d look.

So this week i will take the next big step and actually make it to the swimming pool. This is the start of my get fit and lose the chemo weight mission. I’m now 2 months since my treatment finished so decided that its time to get my bum in gear and stop using fatigue as an excuse for being lazy.

Any inspiring stories out there to keep me motivated?

PS I’m also going to sign up for the Scottish Ribbonwalk in a months time and do the 10 mile circuit with my trusty companion Jody (thats the four-legged one in the photo). Anyone else walking?

I " just" had the one WLE plus SNB and Rads, and it took me a while to pluck up courage to get my cossie on. I went to ladies night at my local pool, so I didn’t feel quite so self conscious. It was lovely to swim again and I’ve been nearly every week since. A few weeks ago, I finally managed the mile in under 55mins for first time in years. :slight_smile:

I hope you enjoy your swimming too. The first few times I went my cossie chafed horribly on my SNB scar, but I’ve bought a new slazenger boy-leg swim suit that sits higher underarm and it’s much more comfortable (but I’ll steer clear of the posing-palace pools!!) I find swimming makes me feel better, and I’m certainly getting fitter!

Hi Vicky…good for you :slight_smile: i had WLE, SNB, chemo (all 6 sessions through a cannula) and started swimming 3 lunchtimes a week in the school pool, where I work in September - 4 weeks after 23 rads. My poorly boob was still swollen when I started and so much bigger than the other one! I really didn’t think I would keep it up but it has been brilliant exercise. Apart from a few times when I’ve had a cold, have persevered. My left arm has strengthened, my right arm where veins had collapsed a bit has recovered remarkably and I feel much stronger, fitter and more toned. It is hard to get motivated some days but I’ve found it fantastic and I’m sure swimming will be fab again for you too…go girl!!! xo

I had a WLE last Nov followed by Rads, feels like I am missing the bottom 1/3 of my boob and that is how it looks; but my granddaughter asked if I would take her swimming over the easter holidays. So I got the cossie out and tried it on at home, ok I could see a difference but I am sure no one else can. Any way off we went had a great time and will go again once work settles down. Everyone was having so much fun they didnt have time to look at me, so go for it, enjoy, who knows we may eventually get warm sunny weather and the beach will be calling!

Well done VJ, I have had a bilateral mx and have just bought a swim cossie as I haven’t been near a pool for two years and couldn’t wear my old ones with ‘cups’. Today I have gone one step further, I have bought goggles so now just need to pluck up the courage to go to the pool!!! They do a ladies night however I don’t think I can face seeing healthy boobs jiggling about in the shower so I am going to see when the pool is the most quiet. I do have a strange feeling about going back to swimming as I was a 38E and assumed my boobs helped me to float LOL!!! I will let you know how I get on xx

Wow ladies…I’m still trying to pluck up the courage to put my cossie back on…well I say cossie…it was a bikini last hol now I’ll have to buy one first!!!’ve all made me feel more couragious…nearly 12 months since my last chemo and I’m still contemplating…good on all of you…

Fab to hear from you all. I took a step closer and went via the leisure centre on the way home from work today and became a member - so no excuses now. Determined now I’ve read your posts that I will go swimming this week. Reading how much its made you all feel better and improved those muscles is very motivating. Unfortunately neither the pools near me does a ladies night . Maybe I’ll start a campaign…

Applestreet and Milo1 hope you’ll join me in taking that plunge…
I’ll let you know how it goes

you have inspired me, today I will go to the pool and put my cossie on underneath my clothes and see how busy it is!!! Hopefully once there I will think of you ladies and take the plunge :slight_smile:

Did you swim Milo1???
Events are conspiring against me - my local pool is closed for essential maintenance, Ha Ha bloody typical. Still it opens again on Monday so I will be definately be there next week.

I’ve taken the plunge so to speak. Two weeks ago I went off on holiday, by myself, and met up with a small group of over 50’s single travellers in Cyprus. Right up to the morning of the flight I was telling my husband I couldn’t go through with going on holiday by myself, let alone wearing a swimsuit in public. I had a second mastectomy last November so I’ve got a pocketed cossie I can put my special swimming prostheses in. I was stood in front of the mirror in my hotel room for ages just looking at myself in despair although to be honest it was more my big tummy that was worrying me more than the boob area, then I had to pluck up the courage to unveil myself on the beach, then I finally managed to wade into the sea (very cold!). I did it though and my lovely new friends took a photo of me to prove it. I’m all set now to go to the swimming pool next to my place of work this Monday. A couple of friends at work have started going at 7am before work; they tell me the other swimmers at that time of day are in their 70’s and 80’s. I’m hoping to start by doing a length or two and then building it up a bit. Both my friends are trying to lose weight and get fit and they say they really enjoy swimming once they’ve made the effort to get into the pool. Best of luck to everybody. x

Well done Lilac51, good for you girl. How brave to take your first big plunge on holiday!

I finally managed it yesterday - got in the swimming pool for the first time and it was great. Managed 20 lengths, and was shattered, but felt really positive and confident. Also felt like even this little step felt like a big step in taking back control of my life. Am on a roll now - have joined the gym, and signed up for the Ribbonwalk in Scotland in 2 weeks time. Might take me a while to walk the 10 miles, but I will do it!!
V x

Wooooop VJ…so pleased you’ve taken the plunge (sorry!!)…it really is motivating to feel back in control :slight_smile: I have signed up for Race for Life…all the best for Ribbonwalk…you will do it! Onwards and upwards x

I have done it!!! only managed 6 lengths but was fantastic for a first go, I have signed on for an adult improvers class and paid for eight weeks of lessons so I will do it. A bit self consious walking between changing room and pool but once in the water was fine :slight_smile:

Fantastic Milo1… Amazing achievement; 6 lengths is quite considerable I would think…best of luck for your class and lessons…x