Bilat Mx, strattice and inflatable permanent implants -how long do they take to get better

I need to hear your stories about how long it took for the implants and strattice to settle - if ever

It was definately the right decision for me to have had bilat mx - no regrets but the reconstruction I am not so sure about.
I think it early days my op was 3rd April, but I feel so uncomfortable with the reconstruction, it is very firm, it’s like trying to press a finger into a football, the strattice where it us stitched to the chest wall feels hard as bone. There is no give when leaning across, have to lean over. Constant tightness and discomfort on moving, lifting arms, taking t shirt over my head, getting out if a low soft sofa, or turning in bed.

Surgeon says takes6 months
How long does it really take. I know it will take time for them to drop, but that is not what us hurting.
Do simple silicone implants feel so hard. I cannot imagine these will soften when there is an inner core of saline surrounded by a rim of silica
Please let me know your experiences, if these don’t improve I think I just want to have taken out
Na x

Hi Na123

Whilst,you await replies here you are welcome to call our helpliners to talk things through, they may be able to put you in touch with someone who has had his surgery via our ‘someone like me’ service where you can speak to someone via email or phone about their experiences.
Helpline is open weekdays 9-5 and Sat 10-2 on 0808 800 6000

Best wishes
Lucy BCC

Hi Na


I had a bilateral mastectomy last october with immeadiate recon as I didnt need radiotherapy.

I felt exactly like you, so uncomfortable and I thought i had made a big mistake.

Although 8 months later my boobs still feel hard and i get a few pains they have settled down so much.

My consultant said i could have them removed if i really was unhappy, but i gave them a chance and

when i saw him last week he was pleased to see i didnt want to kill him anymore lol.


Everyone is different and you have to do what you think is right for you…but it does get easier and you

are not alone thinking this.


Take care

Erica xx