Well my results are good news (I think) if you can get good news with this.
Right side: Invasive ductal cancer, grade 2 with DCIS, 19mm in size, free margins. 4 lymph nodes were sampled. 1 lymph node came away with the mastectomy which contained cancer but the other three which were taken away, including the sentinel node did not contain cancer. Oestrogen receptor positive.
Left side: Invasive ductal cancer grade 1, 5mm in size, surrounded by DCIS, but total of tumour size 20mm, free margins, again 1 node came away within mastectomy which was clear. Oestrogen receptor positive.
So I think that this means it has not spread (hopefully). I am glad I had the left side removed now as I did have the option of a lumpectomy here, but I would not have had much breast tissue left, so opted for mastectomy on the left side too.
This one crept up on me as I had no idea about the left breast, they found this from the mamogram. I could not feel any lumps or bumps in this one (scary eh?) It was the right breast that alerted me, where I found a lump.
So I am now being referred to an Oncologist to discuss the benefits of chemotherapy. I dont know whether I will need chemo yet, but suspect I will, just to make sure, and to be honest after going thro all this might as well go the full hog and hopefully kill this beast once and for all. I will need radiotherapy however but that will happen after the chemo, if I have it, also I will need to take Tamoxifen for the next 5 years, again that will happen after the chemo.
So I feel relatively happy with the results (I think - if happy is the word).
After discussing results the BCN examined my scars, she said that they looked older than just 2 weeks old, that they were healing very well. She told me that she could drain my golf balls/tennis balls (whatever) but that she would prefer not too, but if they were too uncomfortable she would. I do feel very tight across my chest but decided I could live with this a bit longer. She said that they would only drain them 3 times anyway. She told me to massage the area towards the lymph nodes in my chest and also down to my sides. She also said that it was a matter of weeks (not months, which I thought it could be) for these to disperse.
Jackie - thanks for your comment. You seem to have had fluid for some time if you had your op in August, I had mine 2 Oct. I suppose I did not think that the fluid would solidify either, is this what naturally happens, it solidifies and then gets reabsorbed, but if your BCN said this was right, then maybe that explains the tightness across the chest. It seems that your BCN believes it takes months to disperse and not weeks. Maybe my BCN was trying to make me feel better. We’ll see. Good luck with your appt on Friday.
Tanya - think I will prob have the same as you re chemo. will let you know. Wat is FEC. Also I have read that Taxotere can make the top layer of your nails fall off from your hands and feet, a tip I read was to put very dark nail polish on to try and prevent this from happening, but to use it before you have the taxotere, dont know if this will help. If I am to have chemo BCN said it would be 6 sessions over 18 weeks. Oh, I asked the BCN about Bio oil and she said it would be ok to use, but when I went into the chemist she advised against using Bio oil at this early stage (2 weeks post op), ironically she too had a mastectomy 6 years ago, and went on for recon 1 year later. Its amazing just how many people suffer with this disease. There was a point when I walked around town thinking ‘no one knows what I am going thro at the moment’ but to be honest, this affects more people than we are probably aware. There are probably a lot more people thinking the same!
I do admire women who have to look after children, as well as get on with this disease, I dont think I could cope with that, my children have to look after me! I have a fantastic daughter who is 21 (lives with me) and looks after me wonderfully. She helps me to bathe and get dressed and cut up veg and carry pans, carry the kettle etc, I dont honestly know what I would have done without her. She takes me out in the car here and there, as I am not allowed to drive for 6 weeks. She gets and carries my shopping etc. Keep me informed of how the chemo is going Tanya, glad you are feeling better. Good luck with your results and let me know about those.
Jane - how long after your op did you use the Bio oil? Maybe I should wait another couple of weeks before I start to use it.
Thanks ladies for all your comments - please keep then coming - love your posts. Lots of love everyone, take care. Angela xx