I’ve just had the same thing with my rads… think of it like rays from the sun and your along the right lines. They have to be careful that nothing you’ve applied to the skin might reflect the radaiation rays from the machine, so if you used a cream that had tiny particles of metal in them it would be a bit like holding a mirror up so not all of the rays would penetrate the skin.
I think most radiotherapy is based on electrons now. In the past they had a lump of radioactive material in a machine and they would focus the energy coming from this but nowadays they have machines that create the beams of electrons using electricity, it’s much more precise and controlled (yes I did read all about the history of radiotherapy before treatment… I an that much of a geek LOL)… in essence it’s more refined than it used to be, I finished rads on a similar machine about 10 days ago and am recovering pretty well I think.
Did you get tatooed Angie and did you have radiotherapy over all of your chest?
I have only had this tagaderm on overnight and think it might be making me itch. Also if I have to rub on aqueous cream will it remove the pen marks and tagaderm?
You are a mind of info Ang, I’m glad I’ve got you to talk to. Thank you.
Hi Ang
getting towards the end of treatment now - whats a tagaderm? I had three little black spots on my chest wall which are permanent but they are so small cant notice them. The aqueous cream is great, put it on 3 times a day - not before you go though. Also I was told to use Simple soap, and no bath stuff. I had 3 weeks of rads, and it was only a week after that it itched a bit, and even now 7 weeks after Ive got a couple of small scabs. I am using Bio Oil now which is lovely.
Hope it all goes well
I don’t have a tagaderm I’m not sure what one of those is… you’ve got something we don’t Ang
I’ve also got 7 teeny little pin prick sized tatoos so they don’t wash off. I think the itching is going down today and the colour’s fading now too so the Nelsons burns cream I’m using is doing a great job I think.
They only did one side of me Ang, the right side and that’s because on that side the tumour was a bit closer to the chest wall.
I think I’ll be going back to vit E oil soon myself actually.
Hi Vertangie,
I cant remember if you had chemo or not? My rads were just on the left again same as you cos it was closer to chest wall. Do you sometimes get strange (not pains) but odd where they did the rads?
Hope all is well with you
Sorry re tagaderm. Tagaderm is like a clear elastoplast only very sticky. I think it must keep water out, or at last help prevent it removing the pen marks they put on you. Its the stuff they stick on you after inserting a cannula in your vein, it keeps it in place. So I havent really got something you all haven’t (lol) thank god. I too am using simple soap when bathing. I have been using the Bio oil and I think its lovely too, I will return to this after rads. Did not realise you got scabs after rads, thought it just went like sunburn, so has it actually burnt your skin?
Ang think I will need about 7 tatooes if I decide to have them. I am only having the one side done too, and ironically enough its the same side as you, the right side. They gave me a (lovely!!) blouse to keep whilst having treatment, one side of it pulls down as its stuck with velco all over.
Thank God, finished rads on 19 Dec. Rads not bad at all really, only I felt depressed half way through, kept crying and keep crying now. Very fatigued I am always tired but cant sleep. I think going to the hospital every day just highlights what I have had done and this makes me depressed. I cant help feeling mutilated at times. One other thing, my ex husband died on 14 Dec, I think this may have added to my depression. He died of lung cancer which had spread to stomach then affected his voice, then spread to his brain. Thank god he did not suffer, he did not feel any pain even to the end, took a fit and then passed away. God Bless him, I am going to the funeral tomorrow 23 Dec. I am surprised that I feel this way over my ex husband. I have been to see a counsellor, I need it as I am very depressed, I have been having some bad feelings during the night. Our son gets married on 18 Jan what a sh**e year for my kids. Their dad dying of this damn disease and now their mother having bi mx because of breast cancer. He would have been proud to see his only son married, he was looking forward to the wedding. Roll on 2009. Merry Christmas to all and hope things better for everyone in the coming year. Sorry to everyone but I dont feel very positive at the moment. Angela x
Sorry life’s being such a ***er to you Ang. It’s horrid how much some of us have to bear at once. Not surprised you feel low, the rads can do that on their own…
I am very new to this site as i was only diagnosed 5 wks ago and had my operation 4 wks ago. i start chemo in 2 wks, then rads then a few yrs of aoxifen and herceptin. it is all very daunting at the moment! i seem to be on autopilot and it was very unexpected as i am 28 and it doesnt run in my family.
i just wanted to say to you i can only imagine how hard this year must have been for you but it sounds like you are nearly at the end of the road with the treatment and things can and will only get better from now. you can begin 2009 and you wont have breast cancer your son must be so happy that you are around to be at his wedding and i hope you enjoy the day.
Good luck with everything and take care of yourself xxx
Thank you so much everyone for all your responses - I hope everyone has better luck in the new year. Thanks Vertangie for your support. Hi Charlotte, thank you for your response. I am so sorry you have had to join us but this site is a godsend when you need to talk, or air your feelings. I hope things get better for you too. As you say, you just get moved along with the tide, you dont have time to think about whats happening to you.
I would like to wish everyone a very happy, healthier New Year.