i am just wondering if any of you have had a double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction ?? ive opted for it despite having cancer in just one breast,the thought of having to go through all this again with the so-called healthy (now)breast horrifies me and id rather get rid of it.
I am looking for any feedback on the op and recovery times.Im looking at probably september before It will take place after my 9 cycles of chemo.
I am also thinking of having the tissue taken from my kangaroo pouch
baby belly so all thoughts would be appreciated. pro’s cons etc
Thanks sharon
soz cant help but really interested in your responses. had mt masectomy over a year ago and due to genetics now having another masectomy so want a double recon so wanting to look at what options are available xxx
my hospital have a catalogue of boobies xx
Hi Ladies,
I had bi-lateral mx with immediate recon in dec 08, they used the muscle from my back on mine. It took 2 months of filling to inflate the expanders. Ive just this wednesday gone, had my ports removed which was done under local aneasthetic decided not to have nipple recon just having tattooing. I tried driving after 3 weeks was a bit sore still so waited another week then i was fine. (My story on profile wont bore you with it now). if you have anymore questions fire away.
Take Care
Leslee x
oh my gosh thats a long time !!
have tried to take a look at ur profile and full story,however the profile pages dont appear to be working.!
Hi Smallstar,
It may seem along time but its not after my mx’s it was xmas so after the new year they strated filling me i went every 2 weeks to be done before i had my oppherectomy and full hysrectomy in feb 09, they leave the ports in for 6 months so that your boobs can settle and your “happy” with the results before they remove them.
Take Care
Leslee x
Thanks lesley,
Are u happy with the results ??
Ive always had double j bust and i hated them but love an ample bust so to speak,so im worried i wont like them,can they implant a nipple under the skin ?? that sounds hideous question,im sorry if i sound ignorant but i want them to look as real as possible,or even a good set of fake ones i dont mind either way haha.My husbands just educated me on the inflating thing,i wasnt aware of that,i must of been away with the fairies when they told us that bit !
Bloody hell double J…(sorry that sounds terrible doesnt it)lol, i was tiny well a B cup i went to a C i havent heard of the nipple implant under the skin maybe someone else will answer that one, i had 1 removed and kept the other 1 like an idiot, wish id had both off. Im having mine tattooed cos it will mean me having a sticky out fake nipple that has no feeling if i have recon and if it doesnt take it can drop off like a scab, (doesnt happen very often but ive had enough of surgey) so tattooing will still look like ive got a nipple if you see what i mean. Im quite happy with the results one looks better than the other more natural but there not bad i dont feel self conscious of them put it that way.
Take Care
Leslee x