Bio oil allergy?

Hi there.
Week 4 after mastectomy and sentinel node biopsy & reconstruction and doing very well - first meeting with oncology this week. Saw nurse and consultant last week and recommended bio oil - I am pretty sure I have got an allergic reaction to this - gone very red and itchy - weird - anyone else had similar? Have washed it off tonight and hoping will calm down tomorrow morning!

I was told to wait at least 6/8 weeks before applying cream as scarring as still healing so maybe a bit to early for you hope it calms down :crossed_fingers:I have been using baby Aveeno as I have sensitive skin any way x


Hi @collywobbles
I am 4 weeks post bilateral mastectomy and DIEP reconstruction, and also have sensitive skin having reacted to all the dressings.

I was initially using bio-oil which I found was fine on my breasts but I had some reddening of the DIEP scar, so I switched over to E45 cream which was recommended by my plastics nurse and is working well. Previously I had a lumpectomy and radiotherapy where I used Aveeno cream which is also very gentle. I do like to bio-oil so I plan to use it once the scars are fully established.

I hope this helps and you find a cream that works for you, all the best with your healing x


Hi. I use Cetaphil which I find is the most calming cream for me. I did have a reaction after axillary clearance with very red and itchy skin all over left hand side which they thought might have been due either to the internal stitches or the adhesive dressing. I had to take anti histamines for a while. I think everyone is different as far as creams are concerned and you have to find the best one for you. Can be expensive if you have to keep trying different ones! x

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I have a very sensitive skin and react to bio oil and E45 amongst other things. I use Aveeno cream that I also use for eczema and anything else I need moisturiser for. I think that you just have to find what works for you it’s the massage and moisturiser that is important not the brand.

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Thanks everyone - lovely to read your advice - thank you and good luck with your own journey - I’m learning we all get there in our own ways x

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I reacted to the dressings too post lumpectomy .
I thought it was rare.
had to have steroid creams :cry: and anti histamines .
I used bio oil on my SNB scar from 7 weeks but it was the natural one , not the normal one .
My physio said use firm circular movements with a little bit of pressure .
TBH , I think you can use any oil , I’d pick a natural , organic one .
On my breast , with radio coming up , I’ve been using Neals Yard unperfumed body lotion . It’s the professional one , Future Dreams use them for cancer patients .

I had similar skin reaction however this was after using Aveeno which i’d used on the skin above and below my mastectomy scar at 2.5 weeks but not on the scar itself. This was on the advice of my nurse. Ended up on antibiotics just in case of infection and then onto steroid cream when it didn’t clear up. At 5 weeks I still have a red rash across my chest and arm on just the mastectomy side although the itchiness has gone. However I have used aveeno on other parts of my body and not had the same reaction. My surgeon didn’t seem that worried about it and felt it was a reaction to skin glue or something else used in surgery. I’m so glad I found others who had a similar. Whether it’s the cream/oil or not I’m guessing everything is super sensitive after surgery, skin is stretched and under pressure so perhaps you had a more sensitive reaction than normal. I hope it clears up for you soon.

Hi collywobbles

Yep. Same here. But not immediately; only after using it fine for a few weeks on my double mastectomy ‘staying flat’ scar (once that had healed and calmed).

I had also used Bio Oil years ago for my appendectomy scar and all was okay until I had the ‘bright idea’ of chucking some St John’s Wort supplement into the mix. (Big mistake. Avoid.)

Maybe there’s a level of tolerance initially that wanes after a while.

I now use Aveeno Skin Relief for Very Dry Skin Unscented (contains prebiotic triple oat complex + shea butter) for moisturisation occasionally, and even more occasionally, a silicone scar gel (specifically for minimising/reducing scarring). I am now 21 months post surgery, though.

I’d recommend starting again with a gentle, unperfumed, non-fancy cream (like the above Aveeno) and if that keeps you comfortable, then stick with it. Good luck. :sunny:

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Thank you! Good luck with radio x

I was prescribed fucibet , steroid with antibiotic plus cetrabens
Within 2 days it was clearing . The one the GP gave me was OTC , doesn’t touch it

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Thanks very much.

I opted for what the nurse advised and deliberately didn’t go for fancy!! Thanks for your advice.

Redness is still there but not as prolific and I stopped using the oil on Sunday morning so I’ve rung the BCNurse and will speak to them soon to double check it.

Well done you on your journey! Take care x