

I’m not sure if this is the best place to post this but I was wondering if anyone had used Bio Oil for lumpectomy/mastecomy scars? Or Perhaps could suggest a good alternative they have used?


I’ve got a 3 inch scar from my lumpectomy. Had dressing off on Wednesday and is healing well and wanted to try and minimising scarring.


Thanks in advance for any advice.


H. x

I have used it for both and scar is healing nicely. Lou x

I used Bio Oil on my MX/recon scar and it’s healed really well. Considering it’s such a major op and it was only ten months ago, I’m really impressed with how faint the scar now is.


Have to say that I didn’t start applying it until about three weeks after surgery however as wanted to be sure it was safe to do so.



Hi Hazel,
My mother in law suggested this to me a few weeks ago, before my surgery. I’m not sure how long to wait though.
Sonya x

I had my first surgery March 2014 only had lumpectomy and axial lady clearance but my surgeon recommended bio oil. I used 3 weeks after surgery. I am 2’years down the line and still use it, my surgeon told me to keep using it. My scar is just a white line now so very pleased that Imlistened to him.

Hi Ladies,


Yeah, I think I’ll use it but maybe wait until Wednesday, that will be two weeks post op. I might try some Epaderm on it tonight as I have developed a sweat rash inbetween and underneath my boobs from wearing a non-cotton bra at night.


I’ve ordered some cotton ones and should get them tomorrow. How long should you wear a bra 24/7 for?


Are you driving yet Sonya? I was thinking of getting in the car and just seeing how I feel changing gears, turning the steering wheel etc. tomorrow. My surgeon said Wednesday (two weeks post op), I’ll just take it easy and see how I feel.


Best Wishes


Hazel. xx

Hi Hazel,
I don’t drive no. You must be itching to get behind the wheel though.
My scars have healed well but I have cording under my arm from the snb. It’s lumpy but my surgeon doesn’t want to drain it as I could get an infection.
As for wearing the bra my bc nurse said at least a month and then just at nighttime for a few weeks more.
The glue that he put on is peeling so it looks worse than it is. It also causes a bit of itching because it gets trapped in the bra. I bought 2 at the start. Just M&S post surgery ones. They were expensive but do a really good job.
Take care xx

Hi, I was asvised to put some micropore over the scarring, and further down the line can use bio oil - how are you doing? I had to have some fluid off the lump under my arm following surgery, apparently this can happen. Have you had any problems? 


Take care



Hi. I was told 3 weeks post op after i said i was using bio oil on my mastectomy scar that it was too soon so gonna hang fire for a few weeks i will use it after that time though cos very good x

Thanks for posting.
I have a bit of cording and have a bit of pain in my lower back which my bc nurse thinks may be a bit of fluid build up. She says if it gets too much to take paracetamol. I will try the snow angels as you mentioned. I’m not always good at doing the exercises (I know, very bad). Xx



Just to let you all know that Lloyds pharmacy is doing Bio Oil half price at the moment if any of you are using it or thinking of using it.



I have a breast scar from a lumpectomy and underarm scar after surgery on 24th May. I was ready to pay for large bottle of Bio Oil, which I know is expensive.

But my daughter, who is pregnant says she gets ‘Re-Gen’ from Asda and slathers it on her bump.

I was dubious with it being a wound, so sent my husband to check it out. He came home with Re-Gen for £6. Bio-Oil the same size was £16. I opened my mouth to moan  “Nevermind the money…”, but he said he had compared the two and the labels said exactly the same contents. 

Its been BRILLIANT - my boob scar in 3 weeks is looking great. Underarm is taking longer with swelling and tenderness. I have had NO reaction and it’s doing a grand job!

Yesterday, he went to Aldi for other stuff - and there it was - Re-Gen for £1:99 - CHEAP AS CHIPS!!!

He bought the oil for our daughter, who is going through gallons and some cream for me to try, which is nice and not too runny. I alternate using both…