Bio Oil

Girls. I have my recon (LD) nearly 8 x weeks ago. has anyone used BIo Oil which I’ve heard is good for scars. If so, how soon after op did you start using it? My scar is fully healed - is just dark at moment but lovely and smooth - surgeon was very neat.

Vez xxx

Hi Vez,

I also had reconstruction (LD) around 8 weeks ago and was wondering the very same thing this morning! I’m going to the hospital this afternoon so will ask then if I remember and let you know although I’m sure you’ll have replies from people on here before then. I’m pretty sure you can start using it as soon as the scars are healed and there is no broken skin but will check.

How are you feeling after the op? Are you pleased with the results?

Sinead x

I used this on recommendation of my BCN and it is brilliant. It is also very good for dry skin. I think that you are right that you can use it once the scar has healed and there isn’t any broken skin.


I started using bio oil about six weeks after my mast and recon in July 06 and still use it but not every day like before.
My scars are fine white lines now.
As Gill says it’s very good for dry skin and I used it on my face while going through chemo.

I’ve been using neat vitamin E oil and a homeopathic cream called Healing cream, between them the scars are healing very well (bilateral) I haven’t been doing it every day though so do still have a scar but it’s getting paler but still quite rigid, but that’s me being lazy.

I’m also using the vitamin e oil on my head as I’m at the stage of my chemo where the hair falls out… so so so soothing :slight_smile:

I started using bio-oil on my LD scars approx 6 weeks after surgery. I am sure it has helped soften the scar, although it may be the massaging also.

Jackie x

I had reconstruction 8 weeks ago today and was told at the dressings clinic last week, to use Bio Oil or similar on a daily basis and to massage area fairly firmly in order to help the scar and the tissue of the new breast to soften and be more comfortable



Message reply to Tillybilly (aka Sinead)

I am pleased with the results, although early days. I hope that the breast will drop more so that I am more in proportion to the other one. I know that it takes time.
Feeling good, going back to work on Monday - only just started driving short distances - my fault - not very good with the confidence bit!!!

How r u doing ?

Vez xx

s. thanks everyone for your comments - I bought some oil today.

Hi Vez,

Pretty much the same as you but I’m going to have an implant in my other breast to match it up so not too concerned with the look at the moment. I’m just really impatient and want the end results now. I had an implant as well which is gradually being expanded over the next couple of months, did you have that?

Been having a crappy week this week for the first time really since I was diagnosed so it’s been really good to chat with people on here in the same situation.

I can’t start using the Bio Oil yet because I have a bit of an infection in the scar so I’m on antibiotics. You’ll have to let me know if you start seeing any results although I would imagine it takes some time to make any difference.

Glad you’re feeling good

Sinead x

Hi all
Had LD recon on 4th June and just bought some bio oil today as my wounds healed really quickly apart from one stitch which hasn’t dissolved so I had better not use it on that part after reading your comments about broken skin so thanks for that.

I am also waiting on implant to the other side and very impatient - keep moaning to my husband that the implant hasn’t moved down yet with him shouting back that its only been 8 days since the consultant told me to massage it. So why is it still up by my chin then?

It’s weird - I had my diagnosis and mastectomy in August 2007, yet it only really hit me regarding everything I have been through after the reconstruction - think I put all my emotions on hold for a while.

Still its onwards and upwards now.

love to all

Karen x

Hi Karen,

I know how you feel about things only really hitting you now that you have had your reconstruction cos I feel exactly the same. I am having an implant on the other side as well. How long before you have yours?

Sinead x


Bio oil is brilliant for the scars, it helped me enormously following my mastectomies and recon, but also as someone else mentioned it is great on the face as well. It gives your skin a bit more of a luscious look, especially if your skin is drying up with the treatments etc. Just a little bit on the tips of your fingers and facial skin looks much better.


Hi Sinead

my next op is on 26th November - having a lift and an implant and my consultant is reducing the size of my areola so that there is a better result from tattooing on the ld flap side?

How weird is that? Never heard of areola reduction before - anyone else had this?
