Bio Oil

Hi I was wondering if anyone has used bio oil on their mastectomy scar, and if it is safe to use. I’ve recently had an expander inserted and wondered whether the scar would benefit from the oil. With it having plant extracts in it I am unsure of the oestrogen implications?


Once my mx scar healed I used Bio-Oil, i used through my pregnancy and found it wonderful. I personally think it helped the mx scar and it healed nicely, no bumps,just smooth skin - I’ve just finished rads and it still looks good - i will always have a scar, but who cares, as long as I live! I still need to do reconstruction. As soon as I can I will re-start using the Oil. As to the oestrogen, not sure as I am HER2 positive - but I can’t see it being an issue.



I was recomended Decleor Prolagene Gel after my mastectomy. Its only been a couple of months but my scar looks quite good considering.


I’ve been using vitamin e oil (similar to bio oil but cheaper :wink: now for 6 months and the scars are getting really soft and at this rate will be invisible within the year, the dark pink has gone pale pink.

Rad start in 4 weeks, I’ll be using neat aloe vera (direct from the plant) twice a day and then going back to the oil afterwards.


Started my rads, and they have told me only to use the aqueous cream (which they gave me), I did use bio oil before I started them and will use it afterwards - it does make a difference

pleased to say that the use of the vitE oil on my head does seem to be helping with hair regrowth after the chemo. it’s only 10 days since my last FEC and there’s a distinct even blond fuzziness coming up, which is what I was like as a child.

yeah my head won’t be cold soon :slight_smile:

saw my Rad doc and I no longer have to use the aqueous cream anymore- it’s now back to Bio-Oil - yah!!!

my skin is so burnt, it needs lots if TLC - bio-oil to the rescue!

How long after your surgery did you start using the bio oil? When does it change from a wound to a scar? Haven’t looked much but as am only 10 days out of surgery I am wondering whether it is too soon to use the bio oil cos I am still afraid that when I lie down in the bath the water might get in and then start pouring out my drain holes!

I think you’ll probably have healed up on the surface mostly by now but then I’m not sure what kind of wound you have.

I started using on my mastectomy scars after about a fortnight, basically when I felt comfortable touching it.

Hope this helps



I would highly recommend a product called rio rosa mosqueta, I have had mastecomy with immediate recon(implant)bought this from a health shop and have been using it morning and evening, rich in EFA, helps with scarring and other skin conditions it’s around £24for a small bottle but goes a long way.

ann x

Hi, I used Bio oil, hard to say how much it helped, but the scar has healed nicely.
Aloe Vera fresh from the plant can be used on an open wound. My mother in law uses it whenever her dogs get cuts from tearing around the woods and they heal quickly and beautifully. We use it on any skin rashes or scratches too.

Big Fan of Bio Oil, used it post op on c-section scars and have been using it on mx/recon site since bearable to touch it. Keeps tissues nice and subtle and smells good!