Biopsy at clinic visit

Hello ladies, I have my clinic appointment on Monday after finding a lump in my left breast. I’m ok with the mammogram and ultrasound but I’m a little nervous about having a biopsy if I need one. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ladies  X 

Hi MrsS

They should numb the breast for the biopsy, but because I am a real wuss re even mammos and things I always take 2 paracetamol (nothing with aspirin in it though) about an hour before any sort of biopsy or mammo. It seems to take the edge off it for me, or maybe it’s a placebo. Some people report no concerns re having a biopsy. For me it isn’t the needle I don’t like but the compression. If you are normally OK with mammos then you’ll probably be fine with a biopsy. All the best. xx

Hi Mrs S ,hopefully you won’t need a biopsy and they will be able to re-assure you with further imaging .I had a core biopsy but I believe there are different types.Mine involved boob being compressed in mammogram machine so they can see area of concern then about 6 samples being taken by a machine a bit like a hole punch whilst being clamped in the mammgram machine .Im not going to lie it is not pleasant and very uncomfortable but they numb the area so it is not painful .They put a titanium marker in aswell so the area could be easily identified if I needed surgery or further tests .The nurses that did the procedure were lovely, very re-assuring and kind - they made me a cup of tea afterwards .I was pretty sore and bruised for a while afterwards . Good luck .Jill.

Thanks Jill x hope you are ok x

Good luck tomorrow MrsS.

Hi i had a core biopsy last tuesday and honestly i was dreading it. I never felt a thing, i didnt even feel them going in, u hear the clicking noise thats all. Nurse and Doctor were amazing. Good luck with your results.

THANKYOU ladies. I had a biopsy on ‘the lump’ and also a biopsy from the lymph node. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I’m a bit sore today but got my husband being my nurse . My results will be back next Tuesday and I’ll get a phone call to make an appointment x

?for your results .

Glad its all over for you. Good luck with your results. I am getting a phonecall by friday for results.

Thanks MrsS. Looks like i am in for a longer wait! I was told on tuesday i will hear by this friday. So phoned this morning and was told oh no it wont be or after wednesday next week. I am so angry, i started all this biopsys in feb, just not right to leave people this long.

Hi Jenni that is not good they shouldn’t mess you around like this. I get my results on Wednesday. Hopefully you will get news sooner rather than later xx

Think it will be wed or thursday next week for me now too. I know i was so upset this morning but fine now. So annoying as you get so worked up wondering what it wil be. Let us know how you get on and i will to. Good luck x

Good luck with your results Jenni fingers crossed for you ??xx

Hi Mrs S , i got the results today and they are benign! I am so happy. No letter yet so will have to see if they want lump out or no as i have a family history.
Any word if yours?? X

Good luck Mrs S.Have you someone to go with you to the appointment ?

Good luck Mrs S, let us know how you get on. Will be thinking of you x