Hi all,
its my first post here, my girlfriend has found a lump in her left breast and after a visit to the GP she has been referred to the hospital. Se is getting quite anxious as she cannot understand why she would be sent to go through a biopsy before a scan, I know little about this subject but must concur that I didn’t really see why this would be the case either. My partner is only 28 but her mum had breast cancer last year. Her mum beat it and had a double mastectomy but this obviously isn’t helping with my partners anxiety. Does anyone have experience of why the biopsy would be done first, is it normal? Ay help or advice is greatly appreciated.
Hi Bullys_special
Welcome to the BCC discussion forums where there’s lots of help and support. I have put for you below the link to one of BCC’s publications ‘Your breast clinic appointment’ which you and your girlfriend might like to read, it explains about the procedure that is most likely to take place at your girlfriend’s hospital appointment.
If either you or your girlfriend would like to talk to someone in confidence then our helpline team are just a free phone call away, 0808 800 6000, lines open Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 10-2.
Take care
Jo, Facilitator
Hi Bullys-sepcial,
I was under the impression that when the GP does the referral to the Breast Clinic, they most often to what is called a ‘triple assessment’ which comprises of three things - examination, scan (mammogram and sometimes ultrasound too), and a biopsy- in the first instance, a needle is used, and then they may do what is called a core biopsy, but this will usually be done alongside a scan.
It would definately help your girlfriend to ring BCC to clarify the process. But it sounds like she is going to find this an anxious time as she waits to be seen esp in light of her mum’s experiece. Again, BCC could help to idenfify ways of managing her feelings. They could also help you too.
hi Bullys special…
i agree with rattles that after a referal to the breast unit your GF will be seen by a clinician who will do a clinical exam and then if required will send her for an US scan and possible a mammo but she may not get a mammo as she is under 30. but its only following these results would they offer a biopsy if needed… and most people do not need a biopsy
and they will only do it once she has been assessed by the breast unit and not on the sayso of the GP… My son was at the breast clinic today for a lump and had a clinical exam and then a US scan but didnt need a biopsy.
fingers crossed for her