biopsy, mammogram and US failed :( so worried and waiting...

Hi all,
I’m new here and I could really do with some advice.
I found a lump a few weeks agao, and on tuesday went to the fast-track clinic. I was examined by the consultant, who wanted to do a FNB straight away. I had that done, then went to get the mammogram and ultrasound done.
When I went to get my results, they called me in twice, then sent me back out again as they were still waiting for results. When I finally saw the consultant he said that the biospy had failed, and caused bruising. Which also meant that the mammogram and the ultrasound had failed. He then said I had to wait a month before I could be retested, and that he couldn’t tell me it was benign.
I am so worried :frowning: I have an appointment for an ultrasound with a biopsy on the 19th of july, then another with the consultant the following tuesday.
Is this right Do I really have to wait a month? I just cant stop worrying about it :frowning:
Thanks for reading xxx

Hi piscespixie

I’m new to the forum myself but I didn’t want to read and run.

I wonder why your consultant did the biopsy first? I had the mammogram then the ultrasound. The registrar used the ultrasound to guide him when he did the biopsy.

Hopefully, someone will be along soon who can give you some advice.

Sending you hugs xxx

Thanks maggiemay - yes I wondered the same myself afterwards :frowning: seems such a foolish thing to do!

Hi picespixie,
It sounds as though he did a fine needle biopsy, which can be done before the ultrasound and mammogram, as opposed to a guided/core biopsy which is a larger needle and more accurate than the FNB (basically just jabbing in a needle). This is what happened to me too-although unlike you, it did not fail and they were able to tell me they had found cancer. They then went on to do a core biopsy, a longer procedure, done with a local anaesthetic etc
I am really sorry you are still facing uncertainty and the waiting is agonising. I just wanted to clarify the process as somethimes when we understand what happened, we feel less out-of-control.
I can’t comment on the matter of re-testing a month later as a result of brusing, but wonder if the inflammation and swelling can make it difficult to read images accurately.
Why not give the BCC Helpline a ring on Monday and see what they think? They are vey knowledgable. You could also go back to your GP who might be able to help.
Good luck, Rattles

Thanks rattles, it’s just good to know you’re not on your own xxxxx